
From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

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Wiki work[edit]

I'm late to the game, having joined in Hallowmas 1899 (2023). Nevertheless I've found some niches in the wiki where I can add value beyond making corrections and cross-linking pages:

Useful reference tables[edit]

Item Tier Shillings (bonus)
May 09 - May 12 May 16 - May 19 May 23 - May 26 May 30 - Jun 02 Mar 14 - Mar 17 Mar 21 - Mar 24 Mar 28 - Mar 31 Apr 04 - Apr 07 Apr 11 - Apr 14 Apr 18 - Apr 21 Apr 25 - Apr 28 May 02 - May 05
E 12.50
125 (+0%)
Tier 5
E 12.50
200 (+60%)
Tier 6
E 62.50
850 (+36%)
Tier 7
E 312.50
4000 (+28%)

Chess gambits[edit]

Fool's opening[edit]

To increase .

Progress Action Reasoning
1 Follow the movements of the pieces Best chance to increase A Player of Chess
2 Follow the movements of the pieces Best chance to increase A Player of Chess
3 Play aggressively No downside
4 Play aggressively No downside
5 If losing: Allow yourself to be sacrificed / else to epaulette mate Avoids waste of actions, Justificande Coin +1

Midnighter's mate[edit]

To guarantee being able to choose a mate, even with low . Requires profession. Costs (gained through fool's opening above).

Progress Action Reasoning
1 Recognise an opening because of your professional affiliations Vienna Opening +1
2 Open with a strong move Vienna Opening -1, Advantage +4
3 Use your people however proves necessary Justificande Coin -1, Moves in the Great Game +2, Advantage -1
4 Make a move you know will work Moves in the Great Game -1, Advantage +1
5 Make a move you know will work Moves in the Great Game -1, Advantage +1
6 Play aggressively Advantage ±3, no downside
7 On 6: Pass = Play aggressively / Fail = Play defensively Advantage ±3, no downside / Advantage ±1
8 Choose a queen mate / Choose an epaulette mate Depending on goal

Master's sacrifice[edit]

To increase to 1.

Progress Action Reasoning
0 Play as white / black Red cannot sabotage its own side
1 Follow the movements of the pieces Weakness +1
2 Follow the movements of the pieces Weakness +1
3 Sabotage your side Weakness +3
4 Sabotage your side Weakness +3
5 Sabotage your side Weakness +3
6 Sabotage your side Weakness +3
7 Sabotage your side Weakness +3
8 Recognise new possibilities in the depth of your loss A Player's Studies =1

Crushing victory[edit]

To increase to 2. Costs . 100% success at APoC 8+, 59% success at APoC 7, 33% success at APoC 6.

Progress Action Reasoning
1 Open with a strong move Advantage +4, Vienna Opening -1
2 Open with a strong move Advantage +4, Vienna Opening -1
3 Play aggressively Advantage ±3, guaranteed success at APoC 8
4 Play aggressively Advantage ±3, guaranteed success at APoC 8
5 Play aggressively Advantage ±3, guaranteed success at APoC 8
6 Play aggressively Advantage ±3, guaranteed success at APoC 8
7 Play aggressively Advantage ±3, guaranteed success at APoC 8
8 Recognise new possibilities in the height of your win A Player's Studies =2 (Needs 23 Advantages)