User talk:Delmar Tramontane

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

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Welcome to Echo Bazaar Wiki![edit]

Hi, welcome to Fallen London Wiki! Thanks for your edit to the The clingy octogenarian page.

Please leave me a message if I can help with anything!
Wikia (talk) 07:04, February 25, 2013 (UTC)

I hear you're looking to loiter suspiciously?[edit]

So am I!

Want to pass invitations back and forth for a while till you have enough?

I'll be in out and of Heists for the next few weeks, so please don't think I've skipped out of town. My being in a Heist might prevent me (Zeedee) from showing up in your dropdown list of contacts, but within the next 2 hours, I'll probably have completed the Heist. (As I type, I'm pulling one right now. I'm likely to finish in an hour once my actions fully refresh.)
ZDee (talk) 01:29, May 22, 2013 (UTC)


Thanks for sorting the newspaper copies into their proper categories.
ZDee (talk) 01:30, May 22, 2013 (UTC)
Sure, that would be great. :)
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 01:31, May 22, 2013 (UTC)
Excellent. I'll send you the first invite once I'm back at my Lodgings. :D
ZDee (talk) 01:34, May 22, 2013 (UTC)
I find it amusing that my character is so focused on revenge that he keeps wanting to interview Nemesis players. Coincidental Gameplay and Story integration.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 02:21, May 22, 2013 (UTC)
Ha, you could form a Nemesis club. Share tips on murder and weaponry at meetings. Wear little red pins with rose petals embossed on them.

Hit up my Nemesis alt DolefulGlenn if you want to interview him.
ZDee (talk) 02:27, May 22, 2013 (UTC)
Go ahead and send me the Vake interview, though I'll need to wait for my actions to refresh some more before accepting.
ZDee (talk) 03:57, May 22, 2013 (UTC)
Okay, will do. :)
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 03:58, May 22, 2013 (UTC)
Pardon the possible anachronism, I don't know the exact dates on some things.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 04:27, May 22, 2013 (UTC)
I know even less! XD
ZDee (talk) 04:41, May 22, 2013 (UTC)
You're welcome! It was fun. Thanks for being my partner.

Lurking in shady corners is surely one of the most noble of pursuits, and I'm glad I was able to hone such skill.
ZDee (talk) 05:00, May 22, 2013 (UTC)
I had fun as well. And most definitely! You can see and learn the most interesting things through this activity. Or possibly just some drunks. Depends on how the night is feeling.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 05:03, May 22, 2013 (UTC)

That chatty vicar[edit]

Hiya! Thanks for adding the new vicar-related pages.

I want to confirm your changes before I start deleting some pages:

* The storylet which unlocks with Advising the Loquacious Vicar 5 has been renamed from "The Loquacious Vicar is Looking for a Theme" to "The Loquacious Vicar's Great Work"?
* The four action options (listed on the left side) are now defunct?
ZDee (talk) 10:48, May 29, 2013 (UTC)

Correct, I renamed the page to The Loquacious Vicar's Great Work as well as the action option pages.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 12:15, May 29, 2013 (UTC)
All righty, I'll delete the old option pages. They were left behind as redirect pages, so I'll tidy up.
ZDee (talk) 12:23, May 29, 2013 (UTC)

"Just discovered that I can just click the sell button rather than actually sell stuff."[edit]

Wonderful! I'm glad people won't have to sell their Overgoats -- or Bazaar forbid Hesperidean Cider -- to discover the unique flavor text.

Too bad we can't use the same trick for buying 0 items. All it tells me is "0 pence spent!"
ZDee (talk) 01:16, June 1, 2013 (UTC)

Thanks a lot for adding all those Sell messages! I'll leave the task to you. :D
ZDee (talk) 01:18, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
Yeah, that is definitely a shame. Oh well. Hesperidean Cider should have some pretty awesome text. Or at least some text. If it doesn't have text I'll be rather disappointed.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 01:18, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
And I'll certainly try my best to get them all. :)
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 01:26, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
Oh, we need to own the item before we can false-sell it. I tried the Cider a moment ago and the Bazaar spat at me "0 pence earned, haha!". Actually, there was no "haha" but I sure felt it.
ZDee (talk) 01:27, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
Oh, should I continue marking the ones without messages? Can't decide if it's messy or just a helpful way to make sure people don't spend extra echoes trying to assist.

And yes, we do need to own an item before we can get the sell message. A little inconvenient.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 01:29, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
You should let people know. I also don't want others wasting their Echoes to find out. The way you typed "(no message)" seems clear enough.
ZDee (talk) 01:39, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
Gotcha. I'll be sure to make sure they're all marked after testing.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 01:42, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
The Bazaar's undergone another fashion makeover!

Are the item-specific Sell and Buy messages still in place? Temporarily in storage? Fully removed? What is what?
ZDee (talk) 05:21, June 23, 2013 (UTC)
The item-specific sell messages are still in place, but you can't sell 0 of an item to see them anymore.
Flapdragon (talk) 05:27, June 23, 2013 (UTC)
Ah, okay. I figured they would close that loophole eventually.

Now we'll have to do things the hard way -- the honest way! :-[
ZDee (talk) 06:25, June 23, 2013 (UTC)
This still works, but as it deletes the 0 a quick moment after it's in place, you simply have to hold down the 0 button as to provide a continuous flow of 0s and click Sell at the same time. 05:55, October 18, 2013 (UTC)

"Look good?"[edit]

The f-ck... It's like everyone else mastered the construction of Tables overnight! O_O

But, yeah, the table looks good. :)

As an would look great, though, if all the items' cells were of the same height. For instance, Bottled Oblivion is 200% taller than most of the others. Is there something you can do to widen the cell so that all its stats fit on one line like Kifers? Or maybe shrink the font of the stats so they can be accomodated in a shorter cell? If not, then just leave it alone. It already looks quite nice.
ZDee (talk) 06:35, June 1, 2013 (UTC)

Well, I couldn't get it to stretch enough to allow all the stats to be on a single line (nor could I figure out quite how to shrink the font), but I made it a bit less attention grabbing.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 07:05, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
That's an excellent solution, too. So nice and tidy! *squee* XD ...Er, um, yes, thanks. :)
ZDee (talk) 07:13, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
No problem! I'm currently seeing if I can get it even better. No promises, as it's currently generating other issues, but I'll keep trying for a bit. :)
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 07:21, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
This rarely happens, but Preview doesn't always show you 100% accuracy for your Published source code. Once you get pass the basic wikia code, Preview becomes less and less reliable.

You should play around in the Sandbox instead. You can safely test things there and Publish a bajillion times without worry. We usually experiment with templates and fancy new code in the Sandbox when we suspect Preview won't help.
ZDee (talk) 07:28, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
Ah, alright.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 07:36, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
And done! Everything looks much neater now that the stats aren't so squished together. Now to work on the other shops.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 08:14, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
*stares* That dumb gun is pushing your table down!

Yes, please work on the other shops. I'm going to fiddle around with the size of the shop's gun icon in the meantime.
ZDee (talk) 08:24, June 1, 2013 (UTC)

Now I see why you left the Irresistible Drum with its stats the way you did. Trying to seat "Shadowy -1" in the second line in front of "Watchful -1" is impossible. Well, it's probably not impossible. I just don't own a lever large enough to move it! There's an Archimedes joke to be had here.

At least Ratwork Watch is okay. I wanted to divide positive and negative stats into their own lines, but it seems as if it's not gonna happen. *pout*

Gun icon is fine now. The table starts higher on the page, thus less scrolling. We are preventing people from an early onset of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. *nods to self*
ZDee (talk) 09:00, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
Yeah, the wiki doesn't like to keep convenient empty spaces for some reason. I had a bit of fun with that earlier when I attempted to list all the stats neatly in the two cells without fixing the Vertical Alignment. 

The new placement for the shop icons is quite nice and appropriate. Helping to prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome one little way at a time. :)
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 09:28, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
"Yeah, the wiki doesn't like to keep convenient empty spaces for some reason."

Indeed. I am much aggrieved that the wiki can't read my mind!
ZDee (talk) 09:34, June 1, 2013 (UTC)
Mind reading wikis would be both terrifying and incredibly convenient.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 09:56, June 1, 2013 (UTC)

"I hope you're proud of yourself."[edit]

LOL! Scolded!

...Well? Are you?
ZDee (talk) 18:33, July 26, 2013 (UTC)

I had a good laugh when I saw that! And yes, I'm proud of how far I've come thus far. I think it'll be a shame when something unfortunate happens that prevents me from reaching the end of the search. Or at least I assume something will come up that is a one-shot chance to progress.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 23:50, July 26, 2013 (UTC)
Congrats for disgracing yourself this far! ;)

"Or at least I assume something will come up that is a one-shot chance to progress."

That sounds quite possible. Currently, I envision only 1-3 people reaching The End. I fervently pray those people share their results with us when the time comes.
ZDee (talk) 00:33, July 27, 2013 (UTC)
I hope so as well. I'll definitely be sharing if I'm one of the lucky ones who reach the end (though I suspect it'd be 7 if it's such a low number to make it).
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 00:55, July 27, 2013 (UTC)

"You get more for failure than success? How odd."[edit]

You know the Bishop and his fixation on snakes... The rewards must be based on his mood. You "succeed" and he's annoyed. You "fail" (because some jerk shot your seal-bat offspring in the face) and he's ecstatic.
ZDee (talk) 15:20, September 18, 2013 (UTC)

Ah, that would make sense. :)
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 22:21, September 18, 2013 (UTC)

"I've got similarly deranged intentions! And I'm ready when you are. :)"[edit]

Are you still looking for a dancing partner, Delmar? And by "dancing", I mean "yowling and swiping our claws at each other like alley cats". Mithross was -- haha -- kind enough to oblige my Seeker alt yesterday. I'll oblige you in turn if you're interested. I'll build back my menaces in the meantime.

I swear, each time I play a new SMEN action, my face is -_- because I chose to do it to myself. *sigh@self*
ZDee (talk) 05:05, November 10, 2013 (UTC)

Yep, I'd still like to check that action out.

Everytime I play a SMEN action I'm always surprised at how tame it is compared to what I was anticipating. Even the destiny wasn't as much of a penalty as I thought it would be. I figured it'd be -10 to everything, and give a unique quality to force us to tie that noose around our neck if we want to move on.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 06:16, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
We're not quite halfway there yet. Maybe Alexis plans to scale the suffering exponentially, so don't be so...disappointed? Is that the word? I'm usually relieved.

Er, sorry to keep you waiting, but I need another hour or so to raise each menace to 5. If you want to read the Sender text nownownow, you can invite Mr Eaten. He won't accept, though. (Or at least my party card wasn't accepted!) I'll send you an invitation so you can see the Recipient text; get your screenshot program or Word document ready. I'm not certain, but I think the result text is the same for both Sender and Recipient.
ZDee (talk) 06:35, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
Well, so long as the text is good I don't mind the consequences. I'm sure things will get worse as things approach the end, but I'll press onwards for as long as the game allows me! Even if reaching the end will take 7 Hesperidean Ciders or something silly like that.

That's fine, I can wait. :) He hasn't accepted my gift either - the poor pink cat is probably dead by now.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 06:47, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
Ahahahaha, good one. <3 I'll have to send him some holiday gifts when I get the chance.

I don't expect 7 Hesperidean Ciders; I don't dismiss the idea, though. I expect "a long shot" luck challenge with a 1% success rate. If you fail, you're Free of the Name and taken to level 1 with 0 items and no story qualities. If you succeed, you get to read The End -- be it, really. It seems like the simplest way to limit the "winners" to a handful of players as Alexis intends. It could also be a Broad challenge of 7,777,777 but that would be mean and silly!
ZDee (talk) 07:05, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
I had a similar thought, but without the forced character reset. That way you would have to live with the consequences of having searched, even as you try to get on with your fictional life. We'll just have to see. I hope we at least get to see North as a Seeker without needing to pass an almost impossible luck check. I'm sure it's different compared to a sane person exploring it for another purpose.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 07:18, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
Good point; a warped Seeker version of NORTH should be available as it was with the midnight Carnival. Additionally, I expect Alexis to cut off regular storylets and cards from advanced Seekers at one point. Having normal content locked from you would be hella frustrating. I am looking forward to it. I guess. Well, no, not really. I second -- third and quadruple -- guess myself a lot with SMEN feelings and decisions.

Check your Messages for my most awesome of battle cries! :P
ZDee (talk) 17:42, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
Oh hey, the result text is different for Sender and Recipient! Send me an invite so you can see it. :)
ZDee (talk) 17:50, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
Maybe our crew runs off with our ship after we've forced them to bring us North, resulting in us being stranded until Alexis decides to let us out. I could see that happening.

"You meet [Player] over a well and speak of the Name and its pursuit. You know you can't trust them. The path you are set on is narrow as cheesewire. No room for two. This meeting is no comfort. It is a baring of teeth. Dangerous has dropped to 143! Persuasive has dropped to 177! Shadowy has dropped to 145! Watchful has dropped to 156!"

So, is this the same message for both?

Edit: Ah, so it's different! Invite sent.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 17:53, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
Yeah, I can picture a bunch of Seekers stranded North. We would camp around a well -- the well, perhaps. The sole storylet there would offer options of either listening to the well's whispers or conversing with your fellow Seekers about knives and kittens. Except for Spacemarine9 who won't shut up about the rats he left behind in London. :P


"You meet [Player] over a well, your hands freshly red, and speak of cats and candles, knives and numbers and North, North, North. Dogs bay in an adjoining yard. Fat flies crawl over the gaslamp, spilling bulbous shadows. The well is laughing. Dangerous is dropping... Persuasive has dropped to 107! Shadowy has dropped to 117! Watchful has dropped to 156!"

Neato. Looks like a 50 CP drop across the board. If it was 60 CP, I would have lost a complete level of Dangerous.
ZDee (talk) 18:09, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
Maybe we'll get an equivalent of Writing Messages to make the camping experience more entertaining, especially if we're stuck out there for half as long as people are kept waiting to get started on the Marsh-Mired stuff. We could hear all about his rats.

Yep. It seems like the well is in good spirits during this event. Or maybe it's just crazy.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 18:29, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
Is this the first time we've heard the Thing in the well laugh or show any other facsimile of joy? It's usually "reckoning this, reckoning that, stab me, stab you, betray him, betray her" and so on. It was probably just a maniacal "I'm gonna eats you!" sort of laugh, but laughing is good medicine for the soul. Not that It's got a soul. ;)

Meh, you just know we'll end up stabbing each other with our obsidian knives out of boredom. Eventually, we'll have to eat each other to survive. Not completely, probably just a limb here or there. What's a foot or a hand between friends, though? Community spirit, yay!
ZDee (talk) 18:41, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
I think it's the first time, but I might be overlooking something. Maybe we can toss a few souls down there so it technically has one. Or will it eat them? Souls must taste interesting.

It'll be great fun for everyone! It's not like Alexis would just let us die there. That'd be too easy an escape.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 18:58, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
I wouldn't know the taste of souls. You're best off asking the devils or the Bazaar about that, heh.

I'm quite certain Alexis would just let us die North. Repeatedly. Possibly in a humorous manner. But, like you said, not as a Boat Trip escape route. I wouldn't be surprised if we had to menace each other up to 777 Wounds, Nightmares and Unaccountably Peckish before we could pry the cover off the well. (I envision it encrusted and sealed with frozen lacre.)
ZDee (talk) 19:17, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
I had some close devil friends I could have asked if they didn't run off screaming after seeing the state of my soul! I suppose the Bazaar is the only one I could ask, assuming I'd get an answer rather than just a Suspicion increase.

I wonder if we'll be able to explore the well and what lies beyond to some extent, like through a vision or a memory.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 19:34, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
Ex-Seeker souls taste like gin and the River! The infernal sommelier says as much on an infernal item conversion.

"(I envision it encrusted and sealed with frozen lacre.)"


so probably under a mountain, if anywhere.
Spacemarine9 (talk) 19:53, November 10, 2013 (UTC)
Gin? That Sommelier guy is such a joker! Which River? The Stolen the one or the Hungry one? :-[ @memory of latter River swallowing my Iron Tokens.

Another mountain?? Jeez, the Neath spawns mountains like Seekers spawn wounds. Anyway, yes, the well is granite. Over and inside it, though, I still imagine frozen lacre. My thoughts are inspired by the Sunless Sea image of a northern icecap emblazoned with a gigantic Correspondence sigil:

The "Far North" screenshot. And, hey, look at the background of the Haunted Commander concept art. Clouds...or floating stations of ice?

"I wonder if we'll be able to explore the well and what lies beyond to some extent, like through a vision or a memory."

At that stage, we'll probably be unable to tell the difference between memory, dream, reality, Self and Other. We should walk as the Eaten One in a full flashback of the feast at the least.
ZDee (talk) 20:27, November 10, 2013 (UTC)

Connected: Masters levels[edit]

Connected: The Masters of the Bazaar should get an update to its level names. At levels 12-15, it still says "There May be Indiscretions"?
ZDee (talk) 00:21, November 30, 2013 (UTC)

A Coded Inquiry[edit]

Gloria Marie Valdez has invited you to accept their Calling Card. Do so, and they'll become an Acquaintance.

"Curiously, the marked envelope containing the card had a small sequence of numbers on it. Can you crack the code? Seems simple enough. 433432154423243322 4415424224123115 2443 2234243322 44234234452223 442315 35344344 342121241315 3334 333444 113131 442315 43352414154243 5215 113131 25333452 1112344544 4423344315 3254 43344542131543 23115115 2433213442321514 3215 44231144 4423154215 2443 11 13114214 3111131514 2433 21114411313154 243343113315 141513152444 121552114215 442315 35344344 342121241315 1215 52114254 3421 54344542 3215434311221543 43441154 43112115"

== ==

Delmar, I've been assaulted by this hooligan Miss Gloria Marie Valdez and her savage sequence of numbers!

Help me solve this cipher and I'll bequeath you a sack of rats for your birthday. Fresh and wriggling or dead and sagging. Your choice.
ZDee (talk) 09:04, December 3, 2013 (UTC)

Never mind. Leraika has claimed the ratty bounty in your stead. Miss Valdez's savagery has been confirmed, but at least she's a "dependable sort". :P
ZDee (talk) 09:52, December 3, 2013 (UTC)
Aw, I'm not sure how to help you solve it without giving it away! Tell you what - it is a cipher you can have the internet solve once you know what it is. Try looking up types of ciphers to see if anything resembling that turns up.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 09:55, December 3, 2013 (UTC)
Also, originally the message was going to be specifically for one of her contacts in the post office asking what was the matter. She had received 3 Earnest of Payments in the span of 20 hours, and while she wasn't complaining she figured something had gone terribly wrong. The message there is much different, addressed to you, and is a warning about recent events.
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 10:00, December 3, 2013 (UTC)
Indeed, the postal system has been cast under a sinister shadow recently. And I'm not referring to the usual medley of boxed Starveling Cats and sorrow-spiders. I believe we should raid the premises of one known as "Alexander Feld" to gather some key material.

Once we know who (or what) we're dealing with, we should warn the rest of the city -- no, the entire Neath! To the printing presses!
ZDee (talk) 10:07, December 3, 2013 (UTC)
A raid is definitely in order. I would be delighted to warn the entirety of the Neath of this terrible thing, but my skills are a bit rusty since the St Destin thing. I will do my best, and you shall do much better. :)
Delmar Tramontane (talk) 10:17, December 3, 2013 (UTC)