User talk:JestersWingman

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

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Welcome to Echo Bazaar Wiki![edit]

Hi, welcome to Echo Bazaar Wiki! Thanks for your edit to the Hell for leather page.

Please leave me a message if I can help with anything!
Wikia (talk) 20:46, July 23, 2012 (UTC)

The wording "up to a cap of 13 at the least" seemed inaccurate, as "cap" implies a max. My hedonist went from a high 14 to 15 from it.[edit]

I like how you used the word "level" instead of "cap". :) That's far better!

I really wasn't set on the description of "up to a cap of [#] at the least". I wanted to differentiate between CP and stat limits for sentences that contain both; they're usually something like "Austere is increasing... (2 CP) (up to 6)", which is quite confusing. I also wasn't sure what to do about Quirky actions with no confirmed cap. Writing "up to level 6" and "up to a level of 10 at the least" is a definite improvement. I'll word it like that from now on.
ZDee (talk) 03:37, April 17, 2013 (UTC)

Whatever helps clarify things best for folks!

"A Hedonist cap of 15? 16? Unlimited? If this didn't take so darn long to complete, I'd experiment some more."

It really does take forever to get through that one. My Hedonist had seemed stuck at 15 for awhile, but I'd recently spent a little bit to get second-chance items from "a commotion in the square" cards. I needed the notes, but kind of wish I hadn't spent those actions now as I have no idea if the Hedonist increase from "Drowning prudence in passion" was just making up those two or three CPs I'd spent, or if it actually did take me a chunk of the way to 16.

Sigh... oh well.
JestersWingman (talk) 02:07, April 18, 2013 (UTC)
Seriously, it would be a huge help if FL would tell us straight how many CP's we were given. With high levels like 100+, I can't tell if that tiny red jump in my progress bar is supposed to be 1 or 10 CP. :-/ They all look the same after a while!

Since you're already holed up in the Empress' Court, you might as well pen some Bohemian-oriented poems and novels. A Tragedy of Romance (poem) and a Gothic Romance (novel) each give 45 CP of Fascinating upon completion. You'll shoot to 9 Fascinating with one publication and a second publication will take you to 13. It can take quite a while to finish a Court composition, but it might help if you want to repeat any of the Court romances.

I regret not taking advantage of the aforementioned Fascinating bonuses. I only started penning fancy novels after I finished romancing the Wit and Beauty. I was worried I'd be cut off from romancing them once I started the "Carving out a Reputation at Court" storyline, so I waited. Now I have a molehill of remorse-laced Fascinating points.
ZDee (talk) 02:42, April 18, 2013 (UTC)
Haha, yeah I'm just discovering that now. Wrote all three novels and one of the poems, then decided to reject the counselor for the time being so I could do the other two poems and have a "full bookshelf" of sorts.

Maybe I will sell my Memento of Passion again and take one last run through it all...

Failbetter's support has been somewhat obnoxious for me recently... in that they seem to have just deleted tickets without a word of response. Even when one was for a somewhat gamebreaking bug where friends were not showing up in the dropdown menu for cards that specifically require you to send them to a friend - which persisted for half a week before finally seeming to resolve.
JestersWingman (talk) 01:55, April 19, 2013 (UTC)
Since there's (currently) no way to return to the Court, I'm publishing 3 copies of each poem and novel before booting myself out. You never know when one could be used as an Unlock, and I'm paranoid like that. :p

I understand why you'd be frustrated. It doesn't bother me, though. I've occasionally sent bug and typo reports. I usually don't expect a response. I think of it like this: FBG is a small company; I estimate a few dozen employees. Of those few dozen, there are probably a handful on Support duty. They don't have enough manpower to personally reply to each email properly; it's not for a lack of willingness. It's also a free game, so if issues resolve within a week, it's a reasonable length of time. There are paid games which give even less service. I still expect FBG to respond quickly to urgent matters. I was actually locked out of my account once due to Facebook shenanigans. I emailed the Support team and Alexis got back to me within 12 hours. He fixed everything in 2 days. So, there ya go, they're dependable when ya really need them.
ZDee (talk) 03:18, April 19, 2013 (UTC)
I'm curious - do you have multiple accounts?
JestersWingman (talk) 01:20, April 24, 2013 (UTC)
Yep! Zee Dee is my main account. I made a few other characters to pursue different Ambitions and story paths. Those are my alt/alternative accounts which you might have seen me make references to here or on the FL forum. I also recently made a Seeker alt; that's why there's been a slew of low level updates from me lately.

I don't let them interact beneficially through social actions, though. They don't heal each other's Wounds, Boxed Cats are not sent to my Seeker alt, Zee Dee isn't preying on the other alts for Iron Knife Tokens, and so forth. I don't mind admitting that I have two exceptions:

1) My alts are K&C members. I'll only use one account to actively play K&C (murdering others, specifically); it'll probably be my Seeker. If the active K&C alt loses all his tokens, I'll use another alt to send him a new token so he may rejoin the Game.

2) I might make sock puppet accounts for my Seeker alt to betray so he can create a certain candle. Alexis is okay with this method, so I'm okay with it...but I'd rather find actual players to betray. I'll resort to sock puppet betrayals if necessary.
ZDee (talk) 01:59, April 24, 2013 (UTC)


Fionastarr (talk) 20:05, May 29, 2013 (UTC)