Visit the Fingerkings amid the roses of Caduceus

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Dome of Scales, Occupied

Once the devils lived in Parabola. They have moved on now, but what have they left behind?

Game Instructions: Success will raise your Shadowy Gains if they are currently 24. This is one of several ways to raise Shadowy Gains; depending on your most recent Parabolan War campaign, you might also approach this tale from another perspective.

Unlocked with Shadowy Gains 24, Base Shadowy 224, 7 x Favours: Fingerkings, 1 x Soul, 2 x Memory of a Much Lesser Self


A place without judgement

[...] There was a bargain – each side expert in forging an advantageous contract. Now the devils are mostly gone, and there are few who would willingly return. As for the Fingerkings, they hiss at the sight of Hell[...] An ancient grudge? A slight?

Redirects to: An Ancient Refuge Site