Wander as lonely as a cloud

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Light Fingers: Lonely as a Cloud

It is for your own safety.

Unlocked with ,


What sights there are

(See below)

Description summary:
The first piece of the description varies with . The last line of the description varies with

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

1–10The Starved Men have their own method of flight. Two oblong sacks […] inflated with God knows what. […] a kind of cage the Starved Men fit into; they then propel themselves from stalactite to stalactite, floating across. […]
11–20You pass through a network of stalactites which are hollowed out like the turrets of a castle. It is better if you don't make eye-contact with the things peering out at you; they may take offence.
21–30It's hard to look at: a smaller experimental balloon from London, caught on the jagged edges of an unseen stalactite. It has been deserted for some time.
31–40You have already attracted attention. You attract more. A lone wandering Starved Man crawls 'spider-like' along the roof with you for some way. He passes behind a stalactite and you do not see him again.
41–50The lights of some Unterzee port, far below and far away, serve as your guiding light: if you ever find yourself disoriented, look for that welcomed sight and turn the other way.
51–60The stalactites here come down like a top row of teeth. They are impenetrable. Have the Starved Men encouraged them thus, as precisely as the topiary in a Regency garden?
61–70Thick strands of rope, flayed apart, thud against the bridge window. You have seen such ropes elsewhere, used as bridges by the Starved Men. Yet now, you see no twisted visages peering out from the nearby stones.
71–80A procession passes. A king crawls proudly before the rest; they are not bowed lower than he, nor any less capable. Yet there is an understood order. Yes; though they wear no garb and sing no songs, they are not foolish men.
81–90A moon-miser crawls ahead, all gleaming glim, its powerful legs splitting into the roof to keep it from falling. Clara's scream rips through the zeppelin.
91–100A cloud of bats are trapped in a net. Better them than you.
Stalked AboveLast line
4The song is farther away.
3The song is almost mercifully distant.
2You must strain your ears to hear the song.
1After this, the song should fade into nothing.