Ambition Nemesis – Through a Glass Darkly

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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Parabola – the Is-Not, the kingdom behind mirrors, the land of dream. […] a vast and unchartable territory, as changeable as the wind and mutable as the shore. Somewhere within its impossible dominion is the other side of Mr Cups' mirror of black glass.


Description summary:
You get a different second paragraph if you're a .

Are you a Silverer?Second paragraph
NoWithout a guide, such an exploratory journey into the Is-Not would be foolish. You could wander Parabola for a thousand lifetimes and never find the mirror. You have planned too carefully to fail now.
YesFor most, without a guide, entering the Is-Not is folly. One could wander Parabola for a thousand lifetimes and never find the mirror. But not you – you are a Silverer. And you have planned too carefully to fail now.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with  200-214

Storylet appears in


Contact the Glass
  •  Spoiler 
    Unlocked with  25,
    Locked with  210,  Profession:



    The Grave

    • Nemesissmall.png An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Nemesis' Quality is now 210 - Continue your ambition anywhere in London, from where you can journey to the Beggar's Wake!
    • Enigmasmall.png You've lost 1 x Searing Enigma
Find your own way regardless
Journey to the Beggar's Wake