
From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

This category is used to mark pages which were improperly over the 250 character limit, and have subsequently been properly trimmed. It is used to flag the page for Administrator attention, to hide the offending revisions.

For help on proper trimming and editing, see Trimming Guidelines and Editing Guidelines.

If you find a page that's over the limit (it will usually be listed at Immediate review), do the following:

  1. Trim it properly.
  2. Add this category to the page (Type [[Category:Trimmed]] at the bottom of the page).
  3. Wait for an admin to remove the offending revisions.

Your contributions are greatly appreciated!

Note: adding [[Category:Trimmed]] to the page is only necessary if the page was not categorised as Immediate review before trimming (e.g., the offending text was inside an article-table.
Alan has a script that runs periodically to catch past revisions categorised under Immediate review.