Enjoy the fruits of labour

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: The City of the Tracklayers (Guide)

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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: A Project Concludes

Hinterlandcity.png [City Name] looks more lived-in, now.



Description summary:
The description varies depending on Hinterland City - Infrastructural Focus.

Hinterland City - Infrastructural FocusDescription
1 - RoadsYou take a walk […] The streetcar rails set into the stone; the straightened and smoothed slopes; the perfectly aligned kerbs. The passage of careless feet is already leaving scuffs and marks. […] urchins are already plotting how to […] steal the street signs...
2 - illuminationYou enjoy the newly lit streets. A costermonger has set up shop right under one of the lamps. Oily rubbery lumps and crinkled fried mushrooms glisten in the bright light. Are the streets a little more crowded? Citizens linger, seeing the sights [...]
3 - PseudoilluminationYou take a walk through district newly bathed in peligin light. If London is a stone jungle, this is more like a coral reef. […] A school of children swarms past, chased by a lanky girl pretending to be a zee-monster. […] In this darkness, there's a warmth.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]