Acquaintance = 11, Liberationist Support = 4, Prehistoricist Support = 9, Emancipationist Support = 8

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

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The day comes

Furnace may not remember what happened in Hillchanger Tower, but she does recall everything else – from the cost of iron to the names of her workers. "I'm very grateful," she says. "For everything you did. And I haven't forgotten what you said to me once before about being jealous of Cornelius." She frowns a little at a spot next to your head. "I hope you knew – that you weren't expecting – I mean, in our positions and with everything that is happening, we can't..." She goes on talking around all the edges of her point until you take pity and tell her you understand.

You go with her to the Tracklayers' Union. Your arrival is met with muttering from the Liberationists – who may have hoped to gain power in this current vacuum – and quite a few placards reading 'let us build our track-beasts!'. But her own partisans are here as well.

It is a return in triumph. Unhesitating, she goes to the front of the room. She says a few words to her supporters, assuring them that their dreams are now in closer reach than ever – a future in which their old enemies will no longer pursue them, and the possibilities of a township may be realised in full. Then she begins hearing concerns from the members of her Union. This will take some time. You slip away while it is still going on.

Furnace Ancona's Wounds Furnace has entirely recuperated. Leader of the Tracklayers Furnace Ancona leads the Tracklayers' Union, once again. Bridge Troubles Your 'Bridge Troubles' Quality has gone!