Conclude this interview

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Tracklayer's Union

She's taken enough of your morning.

Game Instructions: This will end the conversation. Make sure you've said anything you want to say first.


Friendly farewell

You see her out. "Come by Moloch Street when you're ready to work," she says. "We get more done together."

This is the way forward. Personal persuasion is very powerful, but it has limits. Now, however? You have the Company at your disposal.

Success Instructions: To begin building track, or to hold meetings advancing the policy of the Great Hellbound Railway, visit Moloch Street.

  • Sidebarpersuasivesmall.png Your maximum Persuasive is now 203. (Sets to 3)
  • Widowsmall.png The stations west of London are moderately dangerous. (Sets Seeing Banditry in the Upper River to 4 - The stations west of London face a significant amount of crime, highway robbery, and smuggling)
  • Helltrainsmall.png You've made the necessary connections to the Tracklayers' Union. The GHR can begin laying track. (Sets Involved in a Railway Venture to 40 - You've made the necessary connections to the Tracklayers' Union. The GHR can begin laying track)
  • Blacksmall.png The Tracklayers are beginning to feel rather hard-used. (Sets Tracklayers' Displeasure to 3)