Enjoy the comfort of having your loved one back

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Rewards of Ambition

You cheated death, and restored your loved one to life. Mr Cups is impoverished by the act, and will forever bear the marks of your retribution. Perhaps it has learned a lesson.

Game Instructions: This will grant a mix of rewards and reduce your Nightmares.

Unlocked with  exactly 5000



They are changed. […], some inescapable vitality. And the space that you once occupied in their thoughts and affection is vanished. But you are building something new in its place. They are back, and that is all that matters.


Description summary:
The second paragraph varies based on .[1]

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Wiki note: Numbers unaccounted for: 1 – 6, 59 – 60, 78 – 83

AirsSecond Paragraph
7 - 20[…]the Gazette proclaims that Mr Cups has adopted a roguish new affectation: an opera mask, worn under its cowl! What prompted this […]? And is it […] a new fashion among the Masters? […] Mr Mirrors has taken to wearing one, too! The reporter seems very excited.
21 - 39A report in the Gazette: Mr Cups is taking a short sabbatical, for its health. It seems to have been taking those more often, of late. Its duties must weigh heavily upon it now that it's half a corpse.
40 - 58You saw a Relicker today, hurrying through the streets with their cart piled perilously high. Mr Cups has been working them mercilessly of late, in its attempts to claw its way out of penury.
61 - 77You passed a beggar in the street today. "They're gone!" he raved. "The red sigils! Gone from the Bazaar!" Perhaps he was right. Perhaps Mr Cups has begun removing its stories of vengeance from the skin of the Bazaar.
84 - 100You dreamed last night that you were back in the Beggar's Wake. The wide moor stretched around you. The wisps of stars trembled above. And a wind howled like a hungry wolf. But it was only a dream.
  1. Note: the text is based on the new Airs value, after it is randomized.