Find out why the Ottomans dropped the plan

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: The City of the Tracklayers (Guide)

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From: The Scheme of a Phoenix (Storylet)

Your agents will require false identities if they want to come close to any further information.

Game Instructions: This will advance the Scheme of a Phoenix.

Unlocked with Cover Identity: Backstory 40, Cover Identity: Elaboration 5, Cover Identity: Nuance 5, Cover Identity: Credentials 5, Hinterland Prosperity 30000, The Scheme of a Phoenix exactly 10, Cover Identity: Ties : Surface


A cunning plan

There are numerous preliminaries[…].

[…] The dignitary negotiating with Mr Fires has a daughter. She is dying, but slowly, of a long disease. He has had no time to think of the Scheme recently. […] His only thought is his daughter's relief, while she yet lives.

[Find the rest of the story at]