Forum:Estival and non-Estival versions storylets/options

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Estival and non-Estival versions storylets/options[edit]

After this year's Estival, some options (and storylets?) are made permenantly available, and relevant world quality unlocking/locking conditions are removed. However, I think the Estival versions are worth recording as well. This would show what it was like in the game in a more direct way. A wiki note like that on Opening Night! can also make the situation easier to understand. (Here is an editing guide, if necessary)
An opposite example is Travel to the museum -- whose banner actually misled one of my friends, making them believe that they could not enter the museum after the end of 2022 Estival.
I myself as an editor, who is not skillful enough, sometimes think of such banner templates -- they lack detailed instructions about how to use in different (though only several) cases, how to make the page appear "this was firstly unlocked during an event and is not retired after the event", or "this was(is?) a reward form MotR launch countdown"(a post-crash problem), or "this(the Blemmigan Tourist) is a reward from SSK Kickstarter". (I mention the Blemmigan Tourist, because it is not bought from the Unsanctioned Relicker, and not previously only obtainable via access code.) - Julio Pecs (talk) 13:35, 31 August 2023 (UTC)

I actually think we should perhaps record variant text on the same storylet for estival stuff that maybe gets the banner but still integrate it into the same page on the wiki, like we do for things that are variant text.

We do need to strip the banner from things that were added during estival but not retired, perhaps with a wiki-note that says this was added during x estival.

I also am not skilled enough at wiki stuff to fix such things though. I have no clue how to edit concepts pages. GyroFeather (talk) 13:46, 31 August 2023 (UTC)
I think variant text and/or qualities in the existing storylets is probably the way to go, yeah. I'm also not well enough versed in SMW magic to really say how the backend should work but the way we currently handle Estival (among other one-off content) is--while understandable--pretty messy. Theoretically any given page might eventually have three versions: live while the event happened, live after the event, and in the Waswood. Duplicating it each time kind of sucks. Plus certain storylets are more or less the same each year but might be flavored differently, like the storylets to claim Estival tokens. Kislev (talk) 20:10, 31 August 2023 (UTC)
We should also think about having separate banners, or at least possibly different arguments to the same banner, on content for different needs. like maybe the Starved Embassy could have a banner that's like "this content was first introduced during a one-off event, and is now a permanent part of the game. for more details see the London Horticultural Show" Kislev (talk) 20:14, 31 August 2023 (UTC)