House of Chimes (Guide)

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Ladybonessmall.png FATE-locked Early MYN Content and Onwards
This article is a work-in-progress by Kislev

New Chimes updates and voting

The House of Chimes is a location that you can gain access to via Exceptional Friendship. It is mostly just a curiosity, but there are a few perks and stories located there that are of note.

Gaining Admission[edit]

In order to enter the House of Chimes, you must first become Admitted to the House of Chimes. The precise levels of this quality aren't important; the only thing that matters is having it at all. Feel free to select whichever one you like best, but note that it costs 30 FATE to reset it should you want to change it later for some reason.


The stories in the House of Chimes are meant to be accessible to players at any level, and so are all fairly trivial to complete.

As far as anyone in the community is aware, there are no Opportunity cards associated with the House of Chimes. This makes it a good candidate as a location to draw cards for deck-optimizers.

Learning from a Silk-Clad Expert[edit]

The Silk-Clad Expert is probably the biggest reward from this location. By finishing her story in the House of Chimes, you unlock the ability to recruit the Silk-clad Expert as an assistant in your Lab and on expeditions in Moulin. This is essentially double-FATE locked, however, as it requires a separate FATE purchase to make the actual recruitment after you've finished her story here. To compensate however she is quite powerful, with a useful expertise in the lab and the ability to generate Parabolan research without going to Parabola, and in Moulin she provides a unique card that allows progress. Note that once you've unlocked her as an assistant in your lab, you get her for free in Moulin and vice-versa.

Also, note that there is a branch in her story that states that it ends your association with her: this locks you out of getting her as an assistant.

Her story can be reset from within the House of Chimes itself, should you want to replay it, though it does require you to not be currently employing her in Moulin or the lab. You do not need to re-pay Fate to rehire her if you reset her story.

Drink a bit of brandy with a deviless[edit]

This gives +1 CP of An Intimate of Devils as long as it's less than or equal to 3. This lets you skip quite a bit of waiting around for card draws.

The Regretful Soldier's Heartbreaking Tale[edit]

This story requires you to have Acquaintance: the Regretful Soldier, and gives some lore about him and the ill-fated Campaign of '68. At each step you can choose to advance by spending Wines or by passing a fairly trivial stat challenge; the rewards are the same regardless. The final step is located in your Opportunity deck, and has unique options for the branching paths of A Trade in Souls. None of these actions affect your level of Acquaintance: the Regretful Soldier.

This story does allow you to access the Campaign Medal, an interesting little Curiosity that as far as I am aware is completely useless.

Inviting a Friend[edit]

Gives both you and the person you invite receive 3 x Confident Smile, and as well as a few pence worth of Cryptic Clue to the sender and a single Flawed Diamond to the invitee. If you somehow find yourself short on Confident Smiles, this does reward better than coffee at Caligula's. A niche action, but nice to have if you need it.


A terrible, Luck-based source of Nodule of Deep Amber. The POSI option averages 150 Nodule of Deep Amber per action, with a rare success that gives 500 Nodule of Deep Amber, 1 CP Suspicion, and a Favour in High Places.

An Exceptional Democracy[edit]

One of the new stories added in 2023 as part of the launch of Enhanced Exceptional Friendship. This is a short story in which Mr Chimes agrees to allow the Exceptional Citizens of London a voting body in the House of Chimes. You may select a name for this 'venerable' institution, though it is purely cosmetic not unlike the voting body itself.

The main benefit of being a politician, of course, is taking bribes accepting such beneficities and perkitudes as are appropriescent to a parliamentarian of your enstatury. These include deck refreshes, cash payouts, and unique Boons.

Every month, when your EXCEPTIONAL FRIENDSHIP renews, you will receive one vote, plus an extra vote for each month you have been consecutively subscribed. Normal subscribers can accumulate a maximum of 3 votes, while Enhanced Exceptional Friends may have up to 6.

You may vote for each option once during each legislative session, with a few restrictions:

  • Of the eight possible advanced skill boons, you can only pick three per session, though you can pick the same one multiple times.
  • You can't vote for an advanced skill boon if you already have one active, whether from voting or another source, such as the Moulin Wastes. The House of Chimes boons expire one real-time week after being acquired.
  • Similary, you can't have both Menace reduction boons active at the same time. They also last for a week.
  • A session comes to a close after 12 votes, after which you gain a Bottle of Fourth City Airag: Year of the Tortoise
Interests Per Session Vote Benefit
London's Public Once Crowd2.png Refills your opportunity deck. Make sure it's empty first!
Holding to Account Twice Magnifybling.png
Establishment Twice Carriageliveried.png Grants the boon A Remarkable Tolerance for Your Eccentric Behaviour, reducing scandal buildup.
Velocipede.png Grants the boon A Remarkable Reluctance to Observe Your Misdeeds, reducing suspicion buildup.
Esoterica Thrice Iounstones.png Grants the boon A Machiavellian Mien, raising A Player of Chess
Cabinetpoison.png Grants the boon A Pseudoscientific Seeming, raising Artisan of the Red Science
Crosssilver.png Grants the boon A Reflective Reputation, raising Glasswork
Ginbottles.png Grants the boon A Poisonous Prestige, raising Kataleptic Toxicology
Thumbsup.png Grants the boon A Generous Guise, raising Mithridacy
Surmise.png Grants the boon A Cryptoanatomical Celebrity, raising Monstrous Anatomy
Flukecore.png Grants the boon A Protean Prominence, raising Shapeling Arts
Lantern.png Grants the boon A Zalty Ztature, raising Zeefaring
Tubthumping Once Shriek.png Making Waves +21 CP
Fickle Once Note.png
Yourself Once Confidentsmile.png
  • 1500 x Souls
  • This equals 30E but is worth more to Spirifers and Shepherds
Snacks Once Lumps.png

Opportunity Perks[edit]

There is a storylet which lets you speak to Mr. Chimes itself and to access several perks that are otherwise locked in your Opportunity deck--notably, the ability to purchase Honeyed Laudanum and the ability to reduce Scandal and Suspicion in a manner similar to A plaster saint!. These storylets still cost the same amount of FATE as their non-Chimes counterparts, but you don't have to wait on opportunity draws to get them.

Another storylet lets you begin several otherwise Opportunity-based stories: notably Solving Cases around London, The Jack-of-Smiles Case, and acquiring an Iron Republic Safe-Conduct. There is also a permanent storylet that lets you access shroom-hopping for three FATE, effectively a non-card version of A stroke of luck!.

Additional Bonuses[edit]

Equipping all 5 cats from the Mr Chimes' Lost & Found will give you access to a storylet to claim Horatio, Finest of His Lineage.