In bones

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: Payment for Services Rendered

Action Cost: 0

A recurring client of yours was an avid bone collector. He's moved on to newer fads, but still has them stockpiled.

Game Instructions: This will get you Femurs of a Jurassic Beast, Fin Bones, and a random higher-value bone.

Unlocked with Approximate Value of Outstanding Invoices in Pennies 3100



The bones are neatly packed in straw and carefully labeled with pencilled tags. [Tag], reads the one on the largest piece. He was better at finding bones than classifying them.

Description summary:
The listed tag changes with your Crate Contents.

Crate ContentsTag
1'Some kind of iguanodon – reattach thumb spikes.'
2'Cuttlefish ancestor?'
4'Unnamed six-legged vertebrate'
5'Transitional ground sloth'

[Find the rest of the story at]

With Crate Contents exactly 1:

With Crate Contents exactly 2:

With Crate Contents exactly 3:

With Crate Contents exactly 4:

With Crate Contents exactly 5: