Make a study of the local smuggling rings

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: Engage in Some Minor Smuggling

Criminal activity is organised here, just as it is in London. But there are different powers at work.

Challenge information

Broad, Watchful 400

  • 274 - very chancy (41%)
  • 340 - chancy (51%)
  • 407 - modest (61%)
  • 474 - very modest (71%)
  • 540 - low-risk (81%)
  • 607 - straightforward (91%)
  • 667 - straightforward (100%)

Each point of Seeing Banditry in the Upper River reduces the base difficulty by 50 points.


Highwaymen and Scots

(see table below)
BanditryVarying Text
6-8Your informant is eager to talk and not even slightly concerned about being overheard. There's a powerful band up in the hills near here, led by a highwayman made of clay. […] "You could say we all live in a cave, down here."
5"They say the Khanate dame is trying her arm," says your informant. "But I don't think she's wild enough, up against the type of individuals we have in our hills." […] is that how they talk about the Gracious Widow in these parts? She won't like that.
4This part of the Neath has its own gangs, […] Lately, however, some of the London-based gangs have been bringing work this way. "And then there's the railway and the Union […] you can't tell me none of that gang ever put their hand in the till."
3There are plenty of criminals in these parts, and not enough Constables […]. Theft, smuggling, […] are popular. "[…] Soul-farming […] wasn't very profitable, on account of the poor quality of souls available. So mostly we leave that to the Devils."
2The Constables aren't too much trouble in these parts. They keep down the street crime, but they don't […] more organised operations. […] there are a lot of ways to intercept goods meant for London, […] the Surface, or for Hell, and re-sell them […]
1The Constables do come around from time to time, which cramps the style of the more careless smuggler. Easy enough to get round them, if you know what you're doing. Your informant implies that he does.
0The Constables have a tight rein here. It's hard for an enterprising person to earn anything at all in these parts. Back to London? Oh, no: the offenders are taken up to the Magistrates. Much worse.


Highwaymen and Scots

(see table below)
BanditryVarying Text
6-7He tells you an inventive story about the ghostly highwaymen that live up in the hills, and a tomb with a sleeping merchant inside, and a ghostly mansion that appears when the False-stars form just the right constellations.[...]
5What he gives you is a garbled account of local criminal politics, with so many allusions you can scarcely understand who he's talking about. But whatever he means, it is not at all soothing.
4"London's got an appetite for dead bodies," says your informant plainly. "Lot of criminal activity grown up lately to furnish 'em all. There's a place up-river where they catch Drownies and boil 'em down to skeletons. I hear."
3[…] plenty of criminals […] not enough Constables […] Theft, smuggling, highway robbery, and even a spot of kidnapping […] "And what with the demand for bones lately," […] informant adds, "even an ordinary corpse is more use than it used to be."
2The Constables aren't too much trouble in these parts. […] there are a lot of ways to intercept goods […] He goes on to tell you a story about a sales trip to Hell. The bit about the carnivorous pillows is almost certainly false, but it may trouble your sleep.
1The Constables do come around from time to time, which cramps the style of the more careless smuggler. Easy enough to get round them, if you know what you're doing. Your informant does know, and he offers some alarming tips.
0The Constables patrol this area closely, and those they catch are taken to the Magistracy of the Evenlode for trial. Your informant gives you nothing but the blackest hints about what happens next.