Number of Workers in your Laboratory

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: University Laboratory (Guide)

How are the above links here?


How many people do you have working on your project?

Wiki note: These are NPCs with actual names (or rather, titles) and motivations, not faceless NPCs.

See here for a list of all pages which use or require this quality, or click here to show them.

The number of people that can be hired is capped by Number of Worktables in your Laboratory. Also, with more people hired, the bigger the card deck of the University Laboratory (Place) will be.


  1. Solo Operation
  2. Single Assistant
  3. Group Laboratory
  4. Large Group Laboratory
  5. Extensive Laboratory

Level Increase Descriptions

  1. Your team is expanding.
  2. You have multiple participants in your experiment!
  3. Three collaborators on your experiment keep the lab busy.
  4. You have room in your lab for up to four assistants.

Level Decrease Descriptions

  1. You're alone in the workshop again.
  2. Your team is contracting.
  3. Your laboratory still has quite a few assistants.

Associated FATE-locked opportunity card

  • Increasing the number of assistants to 4 unlocks an Unusual Frequency laboratory Opportunity Card with two options:
Option Image Option Requirements Challenge Rewards
Genericman1.png n/a n/a
University.png Fraught Research Assistant n/a