Offer a dream

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From: In the Court of the Fathomking

A small one. You find yourself without adequate tools.

Unlocked with Set of Cosmogone Spectacles


Carefully made

The drownies supply you with a few raw materials: Anxieties, longings, regrets, secrets. Out of them, you carve a dream […]: [see below]

The Fathomking accepts your gift solemnly, cradling it in both hands. Your vision swims; […] You are already elsewhere.

[Find the rest of the story at]

(Unknown)Dream Gift
A many-legged arthropod with a blood-red carapace, gracefully dancing through the water.
A fungal squid, with wings like shelf conks on either side of its body and tentacles terminating in mushroom heads.
A dark-carapaced creature redolent of the ancient oceans, all chitin and claws and black beads for eyes.
A crustacean, lonely thing, swimming aimless through the brackish water; upon its carapace is a single burning sigil.
A serpentine thing of feathers and scales, swimming through the water like a prowling sea krait.
A winged fish covered in iridescent scales, looking like it might leap out of the water and fly away.