On the dangers of the Unterzee

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: The Unterzee: A Guide

Action Cost: 0

Game Instructions: Learn about Troubled Waters and Zee menace.


On the dangers of the Unterzee

Success Instructions: Each region of the Unterzee has a different level of peril. The greater the peril, the harder all of the attribute checks on cards will be, even on cards shared between different Unterzee regions. The western parts of the Zee are relatively safe. The Sea of Voices, in the south-eastern corner, is more dangerous. Travel to the Khanate or Irem is very dangerous. Trips through the Snares should only be attempted by experienced zailors.

Peril in the Unterzee will increase the menace quality Troubled Waters. Once this quality reaches 8, bad things will happen, usually resulting in your death.

Troubled Waters is only cleared upon reaching a safe port – London, Port Carnelian, Polythreme, Khan's Heart, and a few others. So watch for Zee danger on extended voyages between remote islands...
Redirects to: The Unterzee: A Guide