Parabolan Hunting (Guide)

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Parabolasmall.png Early Parabola Content
Parabolan Hunting/Destinations Summary
Locked Limited-Length Activity
Setup Progress End
1 A 2+ A 1 A


Track down your Quarry and kill it, if applicable.
Items Inputs/Outputs
  • None
  • 5
  • +28 CP
  • +30 CP
  • Retrieve all Loaned Out Vehicles.
Raw EPA 2.54 Raw SPA -

Once the player has established their Parabolan Base-Camp, they have the opportunity to Track the Animals of Parabola, and once once the player's shadowy is high enough, they can Search Parabola for a Place in the Neath.

Parabolan Quarries[edit]

There are a number of different quarries that you can track when you go hunting, though a number of them require some companions from WHITSUN.

A cheat sheet for hunting quarries via Track the Animals of Parabola is below:

Quarry Reward for defeat Reward for searching lair Ferocity Unlocked with
Seven-Throated Warbler 6 automatically
Focused Albatross none 8 1 x  Trophy
Storm-bird 5 x  Steel Ingot or
1 x  Contraption (rare) or
1 x  Model Ship (rare)
14 Conflagration
Terror Bird 20
Carnivorous Aurochs none 18
Honey-Mazed Bear none 16 Ealing Gardens +
30 x  Trophy +
Pinewood Shark 1 x  Remains +
2 x  Fin Bones +
none 18 Capture the Honey-Mazed Bear +
Ushabti-Vessel none, but you can Make an alteration to the vessel, and its purpose 15

There are also several Parabolan hunts towards the end of . However, these are one time events that are pursued to advance the story.

Notable Qualities[edit]

Each time a Parabolan quarry is defeated, the player will gain . In addition, both the and the Pinewood Shark give that is the key to raising (although the bear only gives this when returned to Ealing Gardens).

Parabolan Destinations[edit]

A cheat sheet for destinations via Search Parabola for a Place in the Neath:

Destination Reward for finding Ferocity Unlocked with Cost
Mr Iron's Warehouse
  • : set to 3
6 Base Shadowy 200
Townhouse of a Discerning Deviless
  • After Heist:
  • : set to 6
10 3, Base Shadowy 203
Weakness in an Opponent's Defences
  • +28 CP
  • : set to 9
10 6, Base Shadowy 206 N/A
Evidence Against You
  • +30 CP
  • : set to 12
12 9, Base Shadowy 209 N/A
Location of your Transports Retrieve all Loaned Out Vehicles. 8 N/A
Location of a Particular Treasure
  • After Heist:
  • Option 1:
  • Option 2:
  • Option 3:
  • Option 4:
14 Automatic

Notable Qualities[edit]

Both the Townhouse of a Discerning Deviless and a Location of a Particular Treasure require a heist to be planned after completing the searching in the parabola. Weakness in an Opponent's Defences is the best source of casing there is. If you have Glasswork of 12 and a high Shadowy, 275 or higher, this can be accomplished in 4.5 actions. Additionally many of these are part of the storyline to raise your shadowy gains.

Sequence of actions[edit]

Hunting a Creature[edit]

Upon starting a hunt, the player gets Lost in Strange Lands. They have to succeed on a hard Dangerous challenge to pick up the trail of their quarry. Several actions can be taken to lower the difficulty of the tracking check. Failures grant nightmares. See the Tracking Difficulty-section below for details.

Succeeding on that challenge allows to choose how to proceed:

  • find the quarry's lair
  • trick the quarry into a chase
  • bait the quarry (only for the Albatross and the Bear!)
  • wound the quarry (only as a Monster-Hunter!)
  • abandon the hunt

Finding the quarry's lair will require succeeding on another challenge in Strange Lands (with the same difficulty as on the success before!). For select animals, finding the lair will allow the player to search it and find interesting items (see table) at the cost of not confronting the quarry.

Tricking the quarry requires 5 and will instantly start the final confrontation.

Baiting the quarry will also force a confrontation, but at the cost of a few resources. No specific Nightmare-level is required and the Ferocity of the quarry will be reduced by 5, making the confrontation notably easier.

Monster-Hunters can also wound the quarry at this stage already and significantly reduces its Ferocity. This both increases the ease of defeating the quarry, and tracking them to their lair.

Abandoning the hunt while Lost in Strange Lands will raise the player's -skill and gives a small chance of finding a . Abandoning the hunt while considering your options does not have these perks but will instead only return the player to their Base-Camp. It is therefore not recommended to do this.

Details on the confrontation with the quarry are outlined below.


Once the player has found the lair of their quarry, tricked it, or set bait, they can confront their quarry. The possible options at this point are:

  • Fleeing (not recommended unless will reach 8 upon failing, which will trigger a menace card)
  • Only after continuing to the lair: Ambushing the quarry: This will raise the player's and will reduce the quarry's Ferocity (by 2 + ) on success and give on failure. (Ambushing the quarry is not possible when hunting any of the Whitsun companions)
  • Defeating the quarry (either capturing or killing it): gives the main reward of the hunt (see table) as well as notable qualities. Failure will incur , and return to Pursuing the Parabolan Quarry, requiring at least two more actions to defeat it if tricking or baiting, or at least 3 if continuing to its lair; if you fail after continuing to the lair, you'll also be at 0 scouting, so you may need to spend additional actions either raising scouting or on multiple attempts to continue.

Because of the high action cost of retrying after failing, in most cases it is best to only trick or bait the quarry if it is amenable to capture (aurochs or terror bird) or has a low enough ferocity that you will have a high likelihood of success; otherwise, you're best off continuing to the lair and then ambushing it until your chance to defeat it is 100% or very close to it.

Both fleeing and defeating the quarry will redirect the player back to their Parabolan Base-Camp.

Seeking a location[edit]

Upon starting a search, the player gets Lost in Strange Lands. They have to succeed on a hard Shadowy challenge to find the right mirror to exit in. See the Tracking Difficulty-section below for details.

Succeeding on that challenge allows to claim your reward. Most detinations will not require a check, with a notable excpetion of Mr Iron's Warehouse and the Townhouse of a Discerning Deviless.

Tracking Difficulty[edit]

The difficulty of the hunt is indicated by the level of set depending on the type of animal that is hunted. Tracking the quarry is performed via a Dangerous-challenge, while finding a location is performed with a Shadowy-challenge, both with a with a difficulty of

   180 + 20 * ( - )

While the Ferocity is determined by the nature of the quarry or location, -quality can be raised in a number of ways. Doing so will (significantly) reduce the difficulty of the hunt.

Failing to navigate the terrain will automatically give , but also increase . So even without actively reducing the difficulty of the hunt, the challenge will become gradually easier. (Note, however, that upon reaching Nightmares 8, a menace card will autofire on returning to your Parabolan Base-Camp)

The possible options to actively lower the difficulty of the hunt include:

  • An increasingly difficult -challenge that gives
  • An increasingly difficult -challenge that gives , if you happen to have an from WHITSUN and are searching for a place in the neath (this option isn't available if hunting a quarry).
  • An increasingly difficult -challenge that gives , if you happen to have an from WHITSUN and are hunting a quarry (this option isn't available if searching for a place in the neath).
  • Trading various dream-qualities for . The options to do this are luck-based and depends on specific ranges of .
  • Trading for . Favours can be acquired at the Dome of Scales, another Parabolan destination.
  • Trading for . Gazettes can be researched in the University Lab.

If the player plans to apply multiple means of decreasing the difficulty of the hunt, it is recommended to first use their Glasswork knowledge, as the challenge on this option will otherwise become too difficult to succeed.