Pass through the opening

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: Ambition Nemesis – the Chambers of Mirrors and Cups

The chamber beyond is softly, more intimately lit.

Unlocked with  exactly 270


Two roles

Quiet as a candle-shadow you creep through the rupture. […]

[…] A pool of milky liquid bubbles at its centre […]

[…] Cups clutter every flat surface. […] One of them is a giant's goblet, a gargantuan thing the colour of bone and twice as tall as you.

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Nemesissmall.png An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Nemesis' Quality is now 280 - Your nemesis awaits. There is no turning back!

Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Last Cup