Pilgrimages in Godfall (Guide)

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Pilgrimages in Godfall Summary
Locked Fixed-Length Activity
Setup Progress End
1 A 14 A 1 A


Gain St Stalactite's Favour and The Oblations of St Stalactite.
Items Inputs/Outputs
Raw EPA 4.66 Raw SPA 1.5

Getting There[edit]

In order to start doing pilgrimages in Godfall, you must first unlock Godfall as a location in the Unterzee map and have your own ship.

Godfall can be unlocked either by:

In order to actually unlock the pilgrimage, you also have to spend a few actions to increase Invitation to a Pilgrimage to 10.

The Pilgrimage[edit]

A Pilgrimage through Godfall takes 16 actions, with a specific structure. After starting the pilgrimage, you will alternate actions between encounters along The Pilgrim's Path, and Oblations to manifestations of St Stalactite, passing through seven manifestations in order. Finally, you will Return to Aeschaven.

While the Oblations are encountered in a specific order, the encounters along The Pilgrim's Path are partially randomized by Airs of Godfall. The range of possible Airs values increases over the course of the Pilgrimage, so there is a progression of content despite the random element. There is a set of encounters associated with each pair of Oblations.

Every encounter along The Pilgrim's Path may gain St Stalactite's Favour. During Oblations, you may choose to either observe the rites and earn a small reward, or participate and spend St Stalactite's Favour to gain a larger reward and a level of The Oblations of St Stalactite. Taking into account the value of both Favours and Oblations at the end, both options give the same profit.

The Pilgrim's Path / Gaining Favour[edit]

Airs Option Unlocks Challenge Success Favour Gain Failure Favour Gain
0-40 Weather the swarm N/A Dangerous, 120 2 0
Loose your Sulky Bat Sulky Bat N/A 1 N/A
Loose your Bat with Attitude Bat with Attitude 2
Loose your Violant-Winged Bat Violant-Winged Bat 3
41-80 Find another way N/A Watchful, 120 2 0
Pass through the gap Shapeling Arts Shapeling Arts, 1 3 1
81-100 Search for meaning N/A Watchful, <125 2 0
Serenade the Saint Iron-Lung Bagpipes N/A 3 N/A
101-140 Slip past the spiders N/A Watchful, 120 3 0
Make yourself unappetising Shapeling Arts Shapeling Arts, 5 3 1
141-180 Cross the room N/A Dangerous, 120 3 0
Finish an aborted batch Nodule of Deep Amber, 50 x N/A 3 N/A
181-200 Lead the monks in a lesson Shapeling Arts Shapeling Arts, 5 3 0
Observe the rites N/A Watchful 125 3 0
201-240 Comb through the trove N/A Watchful, 150 3 0
Confront the monk Persuasive, 150 3 0
241-280 Free the monk N/A Dangerous, 150 3 1
281-300 Study the walls N/A Shapeling Arts, 5 3 0
301-366 Hold on to your self N/A Shapeling Arts, 15 4 0
367-400 Negotiate the questing hands N/A Watchful, 220 4 0


Progress Option Favour Loss Items
1: Lesser Waterfall Oblation 1 175 x Cryptic Clue
Wait for the monks 0 200 x Whispered Hint
3: Albatross-Eaten Oblation 1 7 x Tale of Terror!!
Let the monks make obeisance 0 4 x Tale of Terror!!
5: Riven Way Oblation 2 70 x Bottle of Morelways 1872
Hear the saint speak 0 4 x Ambiguous Eolith
7: Broken Jaw Oblation 2 70 x Maniac's Prayer
Divine prophecy from pain 0 20 x Maniac's Prayer
9: Halocline Oblation 3
Scour the leavings of the zee 0 4 x Deep-zee Catch
11: Hendiadic Oblation 3 21 x Memory of Light
Receive the lessons of St Stalactite 0 100 x Primordial Shriek
13: Utmost Aven Oblation 4
Hear a wind-snatched sermon 0 4 x Memory of Distant Shores


Each level of Favour is worth E 3.5 whether it is used on Oblations or wine, and each Oblation is worth E 2.0. At the end of your Pilgrimage, a tithe of E 14.00 worth of Oblations and Favour is taken, and the remainder is cashed out in the form of Strangling Willow Absinthe when you Return to Aeschaven. This works out to an amount of (7 * Favour + 4 * Oblations - 28). Earning 22 Favour gives you a Bottle of Fourth City Airag: Year of the Tortoise (and a single bottle of absinthe) instead.

If you are able to succeed on every encounter on The Pilgrim's Path, you will earn 20-22 St Stalactite's Favour depending on Airs rolls and Ambition. The seven Oblations together earn a net reward of E 15, regardless of choices. This gives a maximum of 4.44 - 4.88 EPA. Realistically, even an end-game character will struggle to succeed in the final encounter. Failing these challenges, but succeeding in all others, results in 3.56 - 4.00 EPA. The actual EPA of a character that can pass all other challenges will fall somewhere in-between those ranges, depending on their success rate for a 220 Watchful or 15 Shapeling Arts challenge. Note that this profit can in some cases be increased through the rat market or similar exchanges.

If you complete all the Oblations, you can instead turn those in via Cross the bridge of hands, trading your rewards from the oblations into 1 x Pulsating Amber and Memory of a Much Lesser Self. This is a worse EPA than the standard method however, and so only useful if you need Pulsating Amber.

In addition to this, the first time you do so, you will gain 1 x Pulsating Amber for free, sellable for 62.50 E