Nodule of Pulsating Amber

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Amber red.png
Category: Rubbery (Notable Sources)
E0.01 Nodule of
Deep Amber
1 Nodule of
Warm Amber
E12.50 Nodule of
Trembling Amber
E62.50 Nodule of
Pulsating Amber
E312.50 Nodule of
Fecund Amber
(6.00)/ (125)

It looks like a reddish chunk of Deep Amber, but if you hold it in your hand, it beats like a little heart. Use this to gain Favours and exchange Favours for Renown: Rubbery Men.

See here for a list of how to obtain this item, or click here to show them.

It can be purchased from in the Bazaar and sold to the Bazaar:

Buying E 100.00
Selling E 62.50

See here for a list of pages which require this item, or click here to show them.

See Rubbery Grinding (Guide) for information on grinding this item.

Investigate your Nodule of Pulsating Amber

Amber should not... fidget. And maybe you can discover why your possession of it draws Rubbery Men to your lodgings. Does it mark you as a Rubbery sympathiser?


Eye brown.png
Fast and meditate
Listen to it (5 FATE)
Train the Rubbery Racer
Arrange an escape from the Carnival
Save a Rubbery Flophouse