See another of her lectures

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: A Public Lecture

Today she is speaking to [see first table below] about [see second table below]. [See table above] is ahead of you for tickets.

Description summary:
The phrases in the description are taken from the table below, based on the Randomizer qualities before taking this action.

The Airs of LondonWho she is speaking toWho is ahead of you
1 - 9schoolchildrenA child
10 - 14the students of Sinning Jenny's schoolA student
15 - 16a cluster of skeptical academicsA professor of Cryptopalaeontology
17 - 19a cluster of skeptical academicsA professor of Theosophistry
20 - 24a crowd of Rubbery MenA non-Rubbery woman
25 - 29an avid audience of monster huntersA man with a harpoon
30 - 34an audience of vicarsA Bishop
35 - 39officials from the Department of Menace EradicationAn austere official
40 - 44a gathering of nunsA woman in a crumpled wimple
45 - 49Ministry representatives (all of them rather grim-faced)A grim official
50 - 54a Society SalonA woman in a fantastical hat
55 - 59a set of Constables-in-TrainingA beardless Constable
60 - 64the closest intimates of the DuchessA Viscountess
65 - 69a group of would-be investors and industrialistsA gentleman in a striped suit
70 - 79a collection of curious BohemiansA young man wearing a barrel
80 - 84a faction of Union membersA worker
85 - 89an audience liberally populated with RevolutionariesA girl wearing a red flag pin
90 - 94a small group of dedicated Nocturnalist landscape paintersA painter
95 - 100a delegation from the Labyrinth of TigersA zookeeper
1 - 2the evolutionary place of Devils
3 - 4the evolutionary place of humans among other creatures
5 - 9the question of whether ancient animals had Souls
10 - 19the age of the oldest lizards
20the Surface relatives of Flukes
21 - 22creatures of the Palaeogene
23 - 24creatures of the Mesozoic
25 - 27creatures of the Jurassic
28 - 29creatures of the Cretaceous era
30 - 34creatures of the Triassic
35 - 44ancient birds as large as horses
45 - 49the formation of beaks and wings
50 - 54the common Surface fear that dinosaur bones in fact come from the Neath, and are a threat to Surface inhabitants
55 - 59bones dug up on the Surface that turned to dust as soon as they were exposed to the sun
60 - 69the evolution of sightless cave-dwelling amphibians
70 - 79the division of ancient time into various eras
80 - 84a giant fossil under Mrs Plenty's Carnival
85 - 89features unique to skeletons found in Parabola
90 - 94the twisted and sometimes helical bones found in Flute Street
95 - 100a type of cattle unique to Bullbone Island

[Find the rest of the story at]

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Challenge information

Property "Against" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.[[Category: Challenge|0220]]<ul><li>Empty strings are not accepted.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Against" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>Broad, 220

  • 151 - very chancy (41%)
  • 187 - chancy (51%)
  • 224 - modest (61%)
  • 261 - very modest (71%)
  • 297 - low-risk (81%)
  • 334 - straightforward (91%)
  • 367 - straightforward (100%)


Things that were, and that might be again

[Topic - see table below]

[audience question] The Carpenter's Granddaughter gives a patient explanation. Some question like this arises every time she speaks.

Description summary:
The lecture ends with an audience question, listed in the table below.

2[…] there is a good deal of new material in this version. This time, she speaks about her excavation work, the process of pulling bones out of the ground, the difficulty of finding responsible diggers who will neither damage the evidence nor steal it.
3This variant of her speech is aimed at raising funds. She wants to go on digging on the Surface, but the local societies are not offering her enough support. She does not say why. […] Perhaps the Neath is a more comfortable place for her, after all.
4Today's speech includes a few minutes on Whitsun – […] how they might be related to the Beasts above and below. […] Someone who looks very much like a disguised Ministry employee wants to know about how the eggfall could be prevented in future.
5She has updated her materials since last you saw her speak. […] She has imagined winged and tusked mammoths, Zee-beasts […] things with vanes and wings. Bohemians have painted them all.
6This variant of her speech is aimed at raising funds. She wants to go on digging on the Surface, but the local societies are not offering her enough support. She does not say why. […] Perhaps the Neath is a more comfortable place for her, after all.
7+Even after all these lectures, you are still finding fresh things to wonder at. Anecdotes you have heard before offer details you had not previously noted.
FadsThe person asking a question is...
1 - 9A journalist
10 - 24A newspaperwoman
25 - 39An enthusiast of Rubbery Men
40 - 49A Society matron
50 - 54A professor of Cryptopalaeontology
55 - 57A professor of Theosophistry
58 - 59A student
60 - 68A frog-collector
69 - 74A Constable
75 - 79A detective
80 - 84A vicar
85 - 89A Bishop
90 - 97An Urchin
98 - 100A well-dressed child
London Airs(The person) asks about...
1 - 9her evidence.
10 - 24how someone else might enter the field of palaeontology.
25 - 49her colleagues.
50 - 74her expenses.
75 - 89the risks of her work.
90 - 100the security of palaeontological digs.

[Find the rest of the story at]


Things that were, and that might be again

[Topic - see table above]

Something she said troubles your dreams.