The Business of a Silverer

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

A Silverer's office: jars of honey of different qualities, timbres, levels of toxicity, […] Dream journals and atlases of Parabolan geography. And, of course, mirrors. Mirrors everywhere. […]

Your desk holds a stack of letters from prospective clients. […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with Set of Cosmogone Spectacles

Storylet appears in Your Activities

Airs of Industry

Guide a gaggle of Bohemians through Parabola ( Airs 1 - 40)
Extricate a half-lost memory ( Airs 30 - 70)
Lance a persistent anxiety ( Airs 60 - 100)
Officiate a Wedding ( Airs 1 - 30)
Nightmares red.png
Destroy an errant nightmare ( Airs 80 - 100)
Lead an expedition to the Sea of Spines ( Airs 40 - 60)
Recover an infernal artifact ( Airs 50 - 70)

A Professional Specialisation: Oneirotect

Saltlions port.png
Engineer a fortification ( Airs 51 - 100)
Bazaardoor paper.png
Repair a Memory Palace ( Airs 70 - 100)

A Professional Specialisation: Ontological Cartographer

Uncover a dark secret ( Airs 1 - 50)
Chart the edge of the Is-Not ( Airs 10 - 40)

Extensive Professional Experience