The Interpreter of Dreams

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.
Dr Schlomo, the Viennese Exile, ravels up nightmare-skeins and ensures restful sleep. He also says things about things. Some of them are interesting, some are fashionable, some might even be true. […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with Nightmares 3, Renown: Bohemians 10, A Person of Some Importance -

Wiki note: Click here to see all sub-branches. Note you will also lose an Extraordinary Implication for every branch except those from Allow Dr Schlomo to publish what you tell him.

Card drawn in Fallen London

Occurs with Unusual Frequency (20% as common as Standard)


A consultation about chess-dreams
A consultation about sea-dreams
Allow Dr Schlomo to publish what you tell him