The Theory and Application of the Supernal Arts

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

[…] To practice your profession, you must put yourself at the sharp end where Correspondence meets the world.

Some call this […] 'Red Science' […]

You prepare your workspace. […] whatever you give pride of place to […] will speak […] of why you chose this path.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with A Pot of Violant Ink

Locked with Correspondent: Symbol of the Craft

Storylet appears in Your Activities


Your pot of ink itself
A copy of your treatise
  •  Spoiler 



    World-leading scholarship

    • Correspondence paperweightsmall.png The symbol of your Correspondent's craft is a bound manuscript of your treatise on gravity's inconstancy. (Sets Correspondent: Symbol of the Craft to 2 - The symbol of your Correspondent's craft is a bound manuscript of your treatise on gravity's inconstancy)

    Redirects to: The Jobbing Correspondent

An ornamental treachery
A meticulously organised rack of bizarre, misshapen implements