The gauntlet of flowers

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: Ambition: Bag a Legend! 27

The only way up is a spiral staircase of rickety iron, and the Naturalist has decorated each step with carnivorous plants. Sucking daffodils, spinewort, even a towering wolf-cactus. It is undeniably pretty, but getting up there is going to hurt.

Challenge information

Broad, Dangerous 76

  • 52 - very chancy (41%)
  • 65 - chancy (51%)
  • 78 - modest (61%)
  • 90 - very modest (71%)
  • 103 - low-risk (81%)
  • 116 - straightforward (91%)
  • 127 - straightforward (100%)


The Betrayal

[…] Your heart thumps. Your vision blurs. […]

...a refreshing interlude of oblivion...

[…] Slowly, the night's events creep back to you. The Scarred Naturalist, in league with a rival hunter. The man with the moustache. Prickfinger Wastes. […]

[…] North it is […]

Description summary:
You fight poisonous plants to climb up the tower. You find the Naturalist helping a rival Vake hunter - the man with the moustache from the palace (Von Schadlinge) - directing him north to Prickfinger Wastes, where the Sisters have hidden something. You fall from the tower due to the plants' poison, but someone unknown helps you recover.

[Find the rest of the story at]


Weaponised botany

You take the steps at a headlong rush, trusting your speed and instincts to carry you through. It almost works, but... a hidden vine sends you sprawling face first into a hornet bush. Blinded, you stumble backwards into a potted trebuchet...