User:Mzs/Airs of the Khanate

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

Recording data for the hypothesis that increase and decrease descriptions are de-coupled:

Increase Descriptions[edit]

Wiki note: Specific increases observed: 11, 17, 24, 28, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38, 42, 45, 46 (2x), 49, 54 (2x), 56, 58 (2x), 59, 61, 63, 68, 69 (4x), 70, 73 (2x), 76 (3x), 79 (2x), 80, 81, 83, 86 (4x), 87 (3x), 88, 91, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99 (2x), 100

Airs of the Khanate
11A lightbulb flickers and burns out.
17A stray mutt leaps into a canal, escaping the clutches of a dog-catcher.
24Waves lap at the edges of a canal.
28Music streams in from an apartment above – the telltale scratching of a phonograph cylinder.
31 – 34Wind from the North streaks through the streets.
35 – 38A stray wave shoves a water-taxi off its course. The driver is already arguing with a barge-pilot before their vessels collide in earnest.
42Streamers strung between buildings, fluttering in the wind.
45 – 49The façade of a music-hall: a blinding wall of lightbulbs surrounding a marquee in Khaganian script.
54A dog barks, alone in the distance.
56 – 59Rattus faber in tiny overalls crawl over a marquee, replacing burnt-out lightbulbs.
61 – 63The smell of tobacco wafts from a nearby building.
68 – 69A few White-and-Gold officers with hammers smash up a box of confiscated mirrors.
70 – 73Something slithers in the canal – a shark?
76 – 79A water-taxi driver ties his boat to a bollard. "Can't take you," he tells a pedestrian dressed as a Londoner. "Need to charge the batteries."
80 – 88Skewers charring on a street vendor's grill: mushrooms, pork belly, prawns.
91 – 100A grassy scent fills the street from a samovar in a tea-house.

Decrease Descriptions[edit]

Wiki note: Specific decreases observed: 3, 4 (2x), 6, 7, 8 (3x), 12 (2x), 14 (2x), 16 (2x), 17, 18 (2x), 19 (4x), 21, 22, 23 (3x), 24, 27, 29 (2x), 31, 34 (2x), 38, 40, 44, 47, 48, 50 (2x), 52 (2x), 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61 (2x), 64, 67, 68, 69, 77, 81, 83, 86

Airs of the Khanate
3 – 8White-and-golds wander the streets in pairs, their uniforms gleaming in the electric light.
12 – 14A lightbulb flickers and burns out.
16 – 19A stray mutt leaps into a canal, escaping the clutches of a dog-catcher.
21 – 24Waves lap at the edges of a canal.
27 – 29Music streams in from an apartment above – the telltale scratching of a phonograph cylinder.
31 – 48A stray wave shoves a water-taxi off its course. The driver is already arguing with a barge-pilot before their vessels collide in earnest.
50 – 86Something slithers in the canal – a shark?


Wiki note: Probably not a whole separate table, so just listing observations until I'm sufficiently convinced these belong on the increase table OR a counterexample is found

  • 50: A dog barks, alone in the distance.