
From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

Several issues:

  • it can be extremely fast to level Shadowy with grinding Vitreous Almanacs and turning them in at the Dome of Scales
  • no locations beyond stats 130 are currently listed
Fist2.png Nadirlight.png Fist.png
How do I become a Stats Superstar?!

Change Points[edit]

Step one is to understand the basic mechanic of gaining Change Points. The amount of CP (change points, basically experience) you earn for your main attributes (, , , ) is based on the difficulty of the challenge you're trying (see Table 1).

The CP needed to raise any attribute a single level is typically the same as the level it's reaching. To go from level 1 to 2 requires 2 CP, and going from level 2 to 3 requires 3 CP. The total CP to move from level 0 to 3 is 6 CP since it's 1 + 2 + 3. This means that even though an action dropping you from level 3 to 0 looks like more of a hit than dropping from level 6 to 5, they are in fact the same.

Once you reach level 70 in the main attributes (, , , ), every level thereafter also requires 70 CP. Attaining level 80 will require 70 CP, and so will level 150. Dropping whole levels from 81 to 80 or 95 to 94 will also be the same amount of CP: 70.

CP Calculator[edit]

 template = Template:Calculator/CP
 form = CPCalc
 result = CPCalcResult
 param = level0|Initial Level||int|0-250
 param = level|Target Level|200|int|1-250
 param = threshold|Level Threshold|70|int|50-70
Calculator loading...

So how do I raise my stats?[edit]

Social Actions[edit]

These options require a friend, or dummy account, to assist in trading actions, but offer the easiest grinding opportunity. Note that the social actions used to increase (Sparring) and (Chess) have now been retired.


Epistolary Matters, the ability to exchange letters with your acquaintances, has been added to the game. These letters give a very large amount of CP, initially comparable to masterclasses from a Paramount Presence, that is reduced with each letter you read. This reduction is reset by Time, the Healer. The following table shows the amount of CP given at each level of Mired in Mail. The amount of Mired in Mile varies depending on the letter read.

Mired in Mail1–456789≥10
Attribute CP70696342211514

Reading letters can also be used to gain Second Chances, which can be spent to raise stats as laid out below.

Second Chances[edit]

At , you can trade 5 second chances for between 1 and 50 CP in main stat, and 1 CP in two other's stats, for an average of 27.5 CP per trade-in.

Relevant actions are:

The easiest way to grind second chances is via Social Actions, which have a guide here. Confident Smiles and Hastily Scrawled Warning Notes can be most easily gained by social actions, but the actions for Sudden Insights and Hard-Earned Lessons are only available with their respective menace at or above three. All second chances can also be gained by reading letters, as mentioned before. This comes at the expense of not gaining any potential income outside of the CP.

Second Chances outside of Social Actions:

In general second chances are harder to get without using social actions, but here are some of the better non-social options:

  • Talk to the Porters (part of the University carousel, which you are locked out of at the conclusion of the Making Your Name storyline) gives Sudden Insights (one of the only repeatable grinds in the game) in addition to being somewhat profitable, and so is highly recommended.
  • With 8, "I myself am my only true friend!" gives one of each Second Chance.
  • The Everyone deserves a second chance option of the A contact in the Great Game has a tale for you conflict card offers one of each second chance, plus 7.5 echos worth of items and other benefits, in exchange for two . Other cards exist which allow earning a for roughly 1 turn. Thus two turns of earning Favours, one turn of Everyone Deserves a Second Chance, and (eventually) a turn spent trading in second chances for stats works out to four adventures for four second chances and thus of 4.5 CP per turn while also maintaining a decent echo per turn ratio. This is one of the few options offering close to max CP/turn efficiency that doesn't sacrifice income and generally should always be done whenever possible by those emphasising CP growth. Unfortunately as it's tied to cards, it can not be reliably farmed.

Because 5 second chances can be traded in for an average of 27.5 CP, if an action is spent to gain a second chance, the second chance is roughly worth 4.5 cp (4.16 in main stat) per action after trading in. This is better than can be achieved on average from normal adventures, even with the riskiest approach. This means someone focused on CP grinding over income should usually opt for outcomes that lead to second chances whenever possible, and do everything they can to decrease the odds of failing challenges that will yield second chances.


It's possible to receive a class from a patron, which offers up to 70 CP for a single action while the protégé has a (modified) level below 100 in said stat. The attribute that is boosted depends on the specialisation of the patron. This will expend Free Evenings, which are limited to five a week, and also require finding a patron willing to sacrifice an action on training their protégé when they receive nothing in return. To find a patron one must Seek a Patron! The best way for finding patrons willing to help is by asking in one of the Fallen London forums.

Beatrice's Tea Shop[edit]

If both you and a friend have a , you can Share a pot of tea at Beatrice's Tea Shop. Any one of the teas chosen will increase your Persuasive by 35 CP, except for The Khaganian White, which increases your Persuasive by 65 CP - making it the best tea choice for those interested only in raising their Persuasive. Any tea will also reduce one of your menaces by 2 CP, give you some , and increase a Quirk.


All favours, except , can be spent to train a specific stat on their specific Faction Card. The rate is approx. 20 CP per favour, making this quite efficient for training.

Training Professions[edit]

Training professions are a good way to gain 250 cp of stats, approximately 3.6 full levels, in a single highway stat once a week so long as that stat is no more than level 70. Please note that the level check for whether or not these stat gains are applied by the profession payment checks your natural unmodified stats, not your overall modified stat value including equipment. This changed in February 2014; previously, you could stay in a training profession until your stats were around 100 by using a Talkative Rattus Faber and other stat-reducing equipment to reduce the quality being trained below 70.

When your stats are above 70, use the Resign from your Profession storylet in your lodgings under the main menu of write letters to quit your training profession. If you have no profession quality, then a new pinned storylet will appear in your lodgings to allow you to adopt a training profession. You can enroll in any of the available training profession from this storylet at any time, even after receiving a professional payment. The cash in storylet for professional payments only checks what your current profession is, not what it used to be. Changing professions will not cause you to lose your earnest of payment should you currently have one. For more information on each training profession please follow the links below.

Watchful Profession:
Persuasive Profession:
Shadowy Profession:
Dangerous Profession:


There are three main strategies to increase the stats efficiently. It may sometimes be helpful to use stat-reducing gear to get harder challenges, and thus more CP on average. A pet is notable as the most potent stat-reducing equipment.

TABLE 1 CP on success CP on failure CP on average
Straightforward (91-100%) 1 1 1
Low-Risk (81-90%) 2 1 1.9
Very Modest (71-80%) 2 1 1.8
Modest (61-70%) 2 1 1.7
Chancy (51-60%) 3 1 2.2
Very Chancy (41-50%) 3 1 2
Tough (31-40%) 4 2 2.8
High-Risk (11-30%) 5 3 3.6
Almost Impossible (1-10%) 6 4 4.2

1. The high item-gain, low-CP route
Aim for close to 90% (but never more!) in any challenge. This way you advance quickly through stories or item grinding, but still retain a decent ~2 CP gain for each action (twice from what you would have gotten had you been doing the actions at 91-100% success chance). At exactly 90% chance of success your average CP yield would be 1.9 per action.

2. The low item-gain, high-CP route
To get about 2x the CPs you'd get from the above method, do actions at at least High-Risk difficulty, either as close to 30% as possible, or at 10% or less. At 30% success your CP gain is 3.6 per action, and only slightly less if your chance drops a single % or two, while you still gain about 1/4 of the max loot. On the other hand, if you can't get near the 30%, try to get to 10% or below instead. For example, with 11% success you'll get only 3.22 CP/A, but 10% is a sweet spot with 4.2 CP/A, dropping to a solid ~4 CP/A as you get to 1%; you won't get any noticeable loot this way though. It's best to do this with storylet branches that doesn't penalize you with main Menaces, because it's plainly risky and much more expensive due to the need to reduce them later on.

3. The 100%-only route
Use social actions to gain CP, and only do challenges when you can 100% them. (If you can't, level more until you can, or until you hit 200.) This is the technically optimal strategy, although some may not find it as interesting. The reason is that at 90%, each challenge takes an average of 10/9 actions to complete, and gives 2 + 1/9 CP. So compared to 100%, it takes an extra 1/9 of an action and gives an extra 10/9 CP, for an incremental gain of 10 CPA. But all the social actions give much more than 10 CPA, so you out-do the benefit by leveling faster and then never having to repeat challenges.

If one accounts for the menaces gained through failure of whatever action is being ground, it should be noted that the efficiency of each of the routes varies, depending on how much actions are required to negate the increase in menaces. To be more precise, CP/A gain rate is maximized at 10% success chance if it takes 1.78 actions or less to compensate ill effects from a single failure, and it gets better at 90% success chance if it takes 1.79 actions or more.

Where to Grind[edit]

Specific Storylets[edit]

Hardest stat challenges without gaining menaces:

Other challenges without menaces that may be of interest for some reason:

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General Locations[edit]

Watchful Related Locations[edit]
  • ( 1 - 70 )
  • (60+)
  • (80 - 110)
  • (110 - 120) Wilmot's End is also a and related location.
  • (120 - 130) Corpsecage Island is also a related location.
  • (120 - 130) Bullbone Island is also a related location.
  • (120 - 130) Grunting Fen is also a related location.
  • (120 - 130?) Hunter's Keep is also a related location.
  • The Sunken Embassy (120 - 200)
Shadowy Related Locations[edit]
  • (1 - 70) & (120+)
  • (60 ~ 100)
  • (100 ~ 120) Mahogany Hall is also a related location.
  • (110 ~ 130) Wilmot's End is also and related location.
  • (120 ~ 130)
  • (120-130) Polythreme is also a related location.
Dangerous Related Locations[edit]
  • (1 ~ 70)
  • (60 ~ 100)
  • (97 ~ 125)
  • (120 ~ 130) Corpsecage Island is also a location.
  • , with (120 ~ 130)
Persuasive Related Locations[edit]
  • (1 - 60)
  • (60 - 90)
  • (85 - 100) Special location - check the page for more detail.
  • (100 - 120) Mahogany Hall is also related location.
  • (120 - 130)
  • (120 - 130) Hunter's Keep is also related location.
  • (120-130) Polythreme is also a related location.