User:Try.else.finally/Abberviations and Terms

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

Fallen London has developed some jargon and abbreviations which might confuse a newcomer to this wiki, the community forums, the Official Discord, the Community Discord, or the IRC (Internet Relay Chat). An attempt to list the most common and important shall be below:



Failbetter Games, the developers of Fallen London.


Fallen London, the game. Was called Echo Bazaar (EB) at its inception.

SS (SSea, SSkies)[edit]

Sunless Seas or Sunless Skies, other games set in the same universe.


Exceptional Friend(ship), a paid subscription to Fallen London granting quality of life features, extra locations, and the monthly Exceptional Story.


Short for "Best in slot", expression often used together with some item and stat denoting it's best one in the given slot.


Quality level description


Quality chance description



Time, the Healer, a weekly (or near-weekly, depending on the servers) event that does very many disparate things.


Change points, marking progress toward increasing the level of a quality. Could be considered experience.


A repeatable loop of actions, resulting in a payout at the end. FBG have been known to call these something else, internally.


Making Your Name, the early game storylines, one for each primary stat.


A Person of Some Importance, a quality that serves as the key to the mid game. Has many advantages and a few disadvantages, the reduction in efficiency of menace reducers such as laudanum being most impactful, especially at low levels. For a guide, consult A Person of Some Importance (Guide).


Notability, a quality crucial to much of the mid to late game. Decreases by 1 every week that one has insufficient MW.


Making Waves, a quality related to Notability. It is halved each week by TtH. Also needed for a few other things, such as crafting a Night on the Town at the Bazaar Sidestreets.


Bizarre, Dreaded, Respectable. Refers to the combined number when adding the Bizarre, Dreaded and Respectable stats together. Having high BDR is crucial to gaining Notability (see Bizarre, Dreaded, Respectable).



Echoes per action, an estimate of the cash value of doing something. Not something to worry about until at least mid-game, some of the best options are listed here.


(Hinterland) Scrip per action, an estimate of the Scrip value of doing something. Irrelevant until late game, some of the best options are listed here.


Tinned Ham Arbitrage. A process where Script is used to buy Tinned Ham in the Upper River and then sold to the Bazaar, resulting in a slight (1.6%) — but free — increase to EPA.



Someone Is Coming, a quality gradually raised up to 4 on various cards, resulting in A Gift from the Capering Relicker


Short for Putting the Pieces Together. Typically refers to the Putting the Pieces Together: the Taste of Lacre quality (mostly gained from the seasonal events at Christmas) but is occasionally used for Putting the Pieces Together: the Drownies.


A Scholar of the Correspondence, a quality required for entering the University and of importance when dealing with the Masters or the Bazaar, or choosing Correspondent as a profession.

Advanced Statistics[edit]

Skills that become available only in the late game, a few have abbreviations:

Sometimes you can see abbreviation MAGCATS which stands for first letters from skills in the order:

  1. Mithridacy
  2. Anatomy, Monstrous
  3. Glasswork
  4. Chess, A Player of
  5. Artisan of the Red Science
  6. Toxicology, Kataleptic
  7. Shapeling Arts

It is a bit outdated, as it does not list Steward of the Discordance or Zeefaring, two stats released after it was coined

Content & Stories[edit]

SFiG (or USFiG)[edit]

Uncovering Secrets Framed in Gold, a fate-locked storyline of some lore interest.


Seeking Mr Eaten's Name, an incredibly menacing and damaging storyline. Was put on hiatus in November/December 2013, due to problems with its punishing nature, bugginess, and interactions with fate-locked content[1]. Was revived in June 2016, slightly tamed. A guide can be found here.




Knife-and-Candle, a mischievously murderous game where you stab other players. It was removed from the game on April 15th 2016.[2]


Meeting Your End, also known as Metempsychosis, was a potential set of stories that would have allowed players to retire a character and start a new one. Somewhat controversial, it was a common source of discussion among the community. FBG announced on August 12th 2021 that it was cancelled[3].


The following terms are not really directly related to the gameplay or storytelling in this game, but are acronyms or abbreviations that are often used by people who have experience in the technical designs of games.


Short for "random number generator", a common tool in the software-design of digital games; these are colloquially 'digital dice'. The game uses RNGs for many things, such as in the challenge rolls and random-changing of Airs qualities. (For better or worse, the utterance of this abbreviation is usually accompanied with complaints about luck-dependent elements in the gameplay.)