Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 1

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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Description summary:
The description depends on the stage of the ambition.

Ambition: NemesisDescription
180The Sanguine Auctioneer resides in a grand Neo-Gothic tower[…] no longer fashionable, but it remains screamingly expensive.

[…] Despite the exclusivity of the address, you notice the Curt Relicker on the pavement opposite, plying his rag-and-bone trade.

181Pharaohs and French Kings adorn the walls, while the oak-wood floor is […] a struggle between a hideous Persian rug and a set of Fourth City hearth tiles. Lamps light everything a sickly golden hue. Everything in the room is priceless, and horrible.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with a redirect from Contact the Sanguine Auctioneer or Return to the Sanguine Auctioneer

Storylet appears in


Announce yourself
Greet the Auctioneer