Greet the Auctioneer

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 1

The parlour door creaks. You hear the tread of heavy feet on soft carpet.

Unlocked with  exactly 181


A roaring greeting

The Sanguine Auctioneer is a barrel of a man. […] The only mar on his appearance is his left hand, which is hideously mangled. It looks as though three fingers and much of the palm have been pulled from it.

[…] the conversation turns to business.[…]

[Find the rest of the story at]

  • Nemesissmall.png An occurrence! Your 'Ambition: Nemesis' Quality is now 182 - Continue preparing your revenge. You can get back to this story later from Your Lodgings!

Redirects to: Ambition Nemesis – The Auctioneer on King Charles Street. 2