
From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Helicon House (Guide)

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[…] down an unadvertised staircase, there is a room where extraordinary changes are performed – Shapeling alterations of flesh and bone. If the inhabitants of Helicon House are well-disposed toward you, you might take your own place at the cauldron.

Description summary:
The second paragraph varies based on who accompanied you.

Helicon House CompanionSecond paragraph
Starry-Eyed ScoundrelThe Scoundrel hovers nervously. It seems he finds this view not alluring but faintly alarming.
Stormy-Eyed ScoundrelThe Scoundrel hovers nervously. It seems he finds this view both alluring and alarming in equal measure.
Master Jewel ThiefYour spouse surveys the room keenly, though it's not obvious what if anything here would attract his avarice.
Celebrated Artist's ModelYour spouse poses languidly in the corner, in an attitude meant to inspire admiration and longing. None of the Rubberies takes any notice.
The Admiralty LackeyThe Admiralty Lackey looks around the cluttered kitchen in discomfort. It is clear he does not wish to be here.
Roguish Semiotician
Infamous Mathematician
Flexible Intelligencer
Joyful Charter Clerk
Joyful Illuminator
Soothing Palaeontologist
Your spouse takes in the proceedings with a glance, then looks expressively towards you, as though to remark that they might have known you'd be interested in this sort of thing.
Blooming WallflowerThe Blooming Wallflower fades against the wall as much as possible.
Platonic Partner in CrimeYour platonic partner in crime is never more than an arm's length from you.
A Bewildering Procession of Companions, Lovers, Suitors, and ParamoursSeveral of your companions start looking curiously into pots and picking up bits of amber.
Both your spousesYour spouses curiously examine the amber, idly proposing theories about its nature.
Your Spouse, Returned
Your Lover, Returned
Your Brother, Returned
Your Daughter, Returned
Your (resurrected loved one) looks uncertainly around the basement, perhaps wondering whether such scenes are common in the Neath.
Esoteric Accomplice
Fabulous Accomplice
Your accomplice stays alertly by your side, obviously anticipating there may be some call for her services.
Genre PainterThe Genre Painter watches the proceedings with some fascination, perhaps filing away the scenes before him as inspiration for future work.
Prescient AutomatistThe Prescient Automatist watches the proceedings with some fascination, perhaps filing away the scenes before him as inspiration for future work.
NomanYour Noman stares expressively at the bubbling cauldron.
Player SpouseYour spouse absorbs every detail of the scene. You will, you fancy, be speaking of this on the way home.

[Find the rest of the story at]

Unlocked with Time Remaining at Helicon House 1, Discovered: Below-Stairs (hidden)

Storylet appears in Helicon House


Amber red.png
Perform the duties of a sous-artist
Consider yourself closest to Rubbery Men
Descend further below

Upgrade Bones

Draw tentacles from the cauldron
Convert your fin-bones into something more impressive
Create a Flourishing Ribcage
Create a Ribcage with a Bouquet of Eight Spines

Raise Shapeling Arts Cap

Solicit guidance in the Shapeling Arts
Solicit further guidance in the Shapeling Arts

Advance Becoming Acquainted with Rubbery Art

Stay after hours for a singular occasion

The London Horticultural Show (Estival 2023)

Petition for a demonstration on living flesh