Artistry in the Empress' Court (Guide)

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Artistry in the Empress' Court Summary
Limited-Length Activity
Setup Progress End
1 A 5+/9+ A 1 A


Gain to 17 (153 CP) or 24 (300 CP).
Items Inputs/Outputs
  • 5
Raw EPA 1.5 Raw SPA -

It will no doubt be magnificent. Let us hope the dour old thing will appreciate it.

This is a guide to creating great works of art at , primarily needed for Making Your Name (early- to mid-game) and achieving the Poet-Laureate quality (mid- to late-game).

Note: The relevant quality used to be called Shaping a Masterpiece for the Empress.

A Name Signed with a Flourish[edit]

Upon entering (and having completed any other creative works-in-progress, e.g. short stories), you can begin on the storylet A slow day.

This segment of the storyline is part of the branch of Making Your Name. The object is to raise your Reputation at Court until you are called on to create a masterpiece for the Empress, which ultimately results in being Banished.

Start Carving out a Reputation[edit]

After playing A slow day, giving you Reputation 1, the storylet What's your next work? allows you to choose a work to complete. You can choose a minor or a major work. In either case, you will need to raise to the target level in order to finish the piece.

  • Minor works (plays, songs, symphonies, and ballets) require Inspired 17 (153 CP), and grant +1 CP of Reputation.
  • Major works (epic poems and novels) require Inspired 24 (300 CP), and grant +2 CP of Reputation.

Once you are a piece, a variety of options for increasing Inspired are available at Court; these are discussed in more detail below. Most are ~100 skill checks.

Upon reaching the target level of Inspired, a storylet will appear announcing that "Your [work] is complete". This grants a variety of rewards, depending on the work, and raises your Reputation at Court. You can then pick a new piece to work on, and start again.

Complete an opera[edit]

With Reputation 4, your options depend on whether you have finished your courtly romance, 6:

A weighty decision (choose Oblige him) raises Reputation to 6, and Why are you doing this? allows you to begin work on your masterpiece, an opera.

Note for players: One of the options for completing the opera is to write Tristram Bagley's unfinished masterpiece. This requires you to have Hearts Desire: The Topsy King 22–23 (see Guide) and ≥1 (gained by completing an expedition to The Tomb of the Seven). This option can be used to bypass Tapping the Baton, {saving you a , a , and a ,} and sets Topsy King to 24.

Banished from the Court[edit]

Finishing the opera results in your being Banished from the Court and sent to (temporary) . It sets to 7, completing this branch of Making Your Name.

The banishment quality is necessary to proceed to and Port Carnelian, once you are A Person of Some Importance. (It is also part of one of the options for proceeding towards PoSI status; see the PoSI Guide for more information).

Restored to the Court of Her Enduring Majesty[edit]

A player-created Guide is available for this content: Port Carnelian (Guide)

Once banished from the Court, you can start working on being let back in.

First you need to serve as governor of Port Carnelian. Once you complete one term, the Veteran Privy Counsellor tells you that you need to serve a few more so that you can host a state dinner for the Captivating Princess, who then restores you back to the Court.

Once restored, you'll be able to create all the old works of art, as well as new ones, including new types: an Opera and a Film (both major works, requiring Inspired 24) or an innovation of fashion (minor work, Inspired 17).

Unlike before your Banishment, you'll find that creating works no longer raises , but a new quality called . Spend these on your (long) journey to become London's Poet-Laureate.

Inspired... Progress[edit]


All challenges are broad challenges unless specified otherwise.

All quality gains and losses are in Change Points unless specified, and CP gains to based on the challenge itself are not listed.

The common qualities have been compressed to just images in the tables:

Simple Skill Challenges[edit]

Straight up grinding here.

Option Challenge on Success Failure Notes
Nature in the Neath: Seek inspiration in nature 98 +10 CP (Rare: 20) +1 CP
Nature in the Neath: Seek inspiration from your Prismatic Squidling 100 +15 CP +1 CP Req.
A quiet day at your lodgings 99 +10 CP (Rare: 20) +1 CP
Composition: the low path 100 +10 CP (Rare: 15) +1 CP Req. working on a Song, Symphony, Ballet, Opera, or Film
The men from the Ministry 102 +10 CP +1 CP
A gaggle of artistic temperaments 103 +10 CP +1 CP Req. working on a Play, Song, Symphony, Ballet, Opera, or Film
Business at the Court 105 +10 CP (Rare: 15) +1 CP
Competition for the post of Imperial Artist-in-Residence 105 +10 CP +1 CP

Complex Skill Challenges[edit]

These challenges also cost Favours or items, change Quirks, give additional Menaces, and/or provide additional rewards.

Option Challenge Success Failure Notes
A city of culture 97 +30 CP (Rare: 40) +1 CP Costs Favours x 1
You have rivals 100
  • +30 CP
  • Rare: also 2 x  Gossip
+2 CP Costs Favours x 1
The people's art 100
  • +35 CP
  • +1 CP
  • +1 CP
  • +1 CP
Costs Favours x 1
Devils and art 100 +25 CP +1 CP Costs Favours x 1
The music of the tomb 100
  • +10 CP
  • +1 CP (up to 5)
  • +1 CP
  • +1 CP (up to 5)
Req. Renown 4, a Song, Symphony, Ballet, Opera, or Film
The lead 100
  • +15 CP
  • +1 CP (up to 5)
  • –5 CP
  • Rare: also
  • –20 CP
  • +1 CP
Req. a Play, Song, Symphony, Ballet, Opera, or Film
Religion and Art: Call on the help of the Church 100 +35 CP Costs 1 x Favours
Religion and Art: Mortification of the flesh! none
  • +5 CP
  • –3 CP
  • +3 CP (up to 10)
Religion and Art: An organ recital at All Christs 7
  • +20 CP
  • –3 CP
  • –1 CP
  • +1 CP
Costs 10 x  Jade
Nature in the Neath: Seek inspiration from your Prismatic Squidling 100
  • +15 CP
  • Rare: also 12 x  Glim
  • –20 CP
  • +1 CP
The Bohemians 107
  • +15 CP
  • +1 CP
–20 CP Req. Renown 5
Composition: the high path 108
  • +20 CP
  • Rare: also
  • –20 CP
  • +1 CP
Costs 25 x  Honey; req. a Song, Symphony, Ballet, Opera, or Film

Luck Challenges[edit]

Option Challenge Success Failure Notes
The Decency Evaluator 30%
  • +15 CP
  • +2 CP
  • +15 CP
  • +2 CP
  • +1
Yesterday's work 60%
  • +25 CP (Rare: 35)
  • –20 CP
  • +2
Req. 5
The pleasures of the Neath 50%
  • +20 CP
  • +3 CP (up to 10)
  • –3 CP
  • +10 CP
  • +3 CP (up to 10)
  • –3 CP
Costs 15 x  Honey and
20 x  Greyfields 1879

Minor Works[edit]

Minor works include plays, songs, symphonies, ballets and fashion.

These options require raising to level 17, and provide materials worth E 17. Note that there is no benefit from achieving more than the needed level of .

Level 17 requires 153 CP of which, depending on your mix of +15CP and +20CP challenges, will take between 8 (153/20=7.65) and 11 (153/15=10.2) actions. Adding 2 actions for starting and stopping the carousel, that works out to between a 1.3 EPA (E 17/13) and a 1.7 EPA (E 17/10).

Note, though, that the usual +20CP action of The High Path costs 25 x  Honey, so the profitability of the +20CP challenge is going to depend heavily on your source of Honey. The High Path saves 3 actions, so you'll need to acquire 200 x  Honey in only 1 or 2 actions for it to be worthwhile. (Hint: the University Lab -- see this guide for details.)

Before being Banished from Court, these provide .
After being Restored to Court, they provide instead .


Opening Night! Results Notes
A Slapstick Farce +10 CP
A Wry Satirical Comedy +10 CP
A Heart-Wrenching Tragedy +10 CP
A Romance of Poverty +10 CP Req. Restored
A History +10 CP 1700 x  Brass
+10 CP
Req. Restored
A Celestial Spectacle +10 CP Req. Restored and Celestials


Publish your song! Results Notes
A Rousing Hymn +5 CP 1700 x  Candle
A Newly Arranged Folk Song +5 CP
A Patriotic Anthem +10 CP
A Drinking Song! +10 CP 1700 x  Rostygold Req. Restored
A Renaissance Piece! +10 CP Req. Restored
A Political Anthem! +10 CP 1700 x  Beeswax
+10 CP
Req Restored and Renown 5


Your symphony is complete! Results Notes
Somewhat challenging music +5 CP
SoTC +1 CP (up to 10)
+3 CP
Req. SoTC
An exuberant cannonade +5 CP
+3 CP
A choral requiem +10 CP
A Modern Fantasia +10 CP Req. Restored
Something of your own genius +10 CP Req. Restored, Your Own Genius
A Rubbery Tone Poem +10 CP 1700 x  Deep Amber
+10 CP
Req. Restored, Renown 5


Stage your ballet! Results Notes
A light work based around a Neathy folk tale +8 CP 1700 x  Jade
A work of romance and automata +10 CP
+5 CP
A work of barely clad decadence +10 CP
+10 CP
An infernal work +10 CP 1700 x  Brass
+10 CP
Requires Restored and Renown 5
A Carnelian work +10 CP
Requires Restored, , Academics 15 (to get Tribute as a reward)
A Blemmigan work +10 CP FATE

+10 CP
Requires Restored, Mycologenes
A work of burning dance +10 CP FATE

+4 CP
+4 CP
Requires Restored, Terpsichoreans


A Fashionable Extravaganza! Results Notes
A sleek suit +10 CP Requires Restored
Practical improvements for undergarments! +10 CP Requires Restored
A return to the styles of yore +10 CP Requires Restored

Major Works[edit]

Major works include poems, novels, operas and films.

These options require raising to level 24, and provide materials worth E 30. Note that there is no benefit from achieving more than the needed level of .

Before being Banished from Court, these provide .
After being Restored to Court, they provide instead .


Your poem is complete! Making Waves Results Notes
An Epic Cycle +12 CP
1 x  Epic Poetic Cycle
A Tragedy of Romance +12 CP
+25 CP
+3 CP
1 x  Tragedy of Romance
An Allegorical Satire +15 CP
+3 CP
1 x  Allegorical Satire
A Zeefaring Epic +15 CP
1 x  Zeefaring Epic
Requires Restored, Renown 5,
An Ode to the Elder Continent +15 CP
1 x  Ode to the Elder Continent
Requires Restored,
A Nocturnal Rhapsody +15 CP
1 x  Nocturnal Rhapsody
Requires Restored, Nocturnals


Your novel is complete! Making Waves Results
A Gothic Romance +10 CP
+25 CP
1 x  Gothic Romance
A Tale of the Future! +10 CP 3000 x  Brass
+10 CP
+10 CP
1 x  Tale of the Future
A Patriotic Adventure! +15 CP
1 x  Patriotic Adventure
A Tale of Espionage! +15 CP
1 x  Tale of Espionage
Requires Restored, Renown 5
A Tale for the People! +15 CP
1 x  Tale for the People
Requires Restored, Renown 5, Renown 5
A Bazaarine Tale! +15 CP 3000 x  Brass
1 x  Bazaarine Tale
Requires Restored, Bazaarines


An Opera! Making Waves Results Notes
A Thunderstorm of Morality +10 CP Requires Restored
A Heartwarming Farce +10 CP Requires Restored
An Epic of Far-Off Lands +10 CP Requires Restored


Show your Film! Making Waves Results Notes
An Innocent Fictional Scene +10 CP Requires Restored
A Brief Comedy +10 CP
+10 CP
Requires Restored
A Documentary +10 CP Requires Restored

Is it worth it?[edit]

Uses for your works[edit]

A can come in handy when Designing your Zubmarine if you don't have 3.

Any of the other eleven poems or novels saves you and two Favours when Making Friends Among God's Editors on the Making the Good Book Better golden opportunity card.

 can be used for increasing  on the 6th day of Mr Sacks, with Mr Sacks! Take this exalted hymn to patriotism!, but unlike the previously mentioned uses you lose your copy. It is possible to give this Sacks 10 touching love stories instead for the same reward.

You may when you are Offering Tribute to the Court of the Wakeful Eye, donating your copy of the work for 5 Tribute. An alternative to directly grinding 1-2 tribute per ballads, although grinding tribute through the ballads has no cap, whereas donating your Ode caps at the usual 260 Tribute limit. Stocking up on Odes (and other items) before heading to the Court of the Wakeful Eye for the first time is a possible strategy.

Keep in mind however that you cannot create Elder Continent Odes or Ballads unless you have completed at least , so make sure that you do 5 terms before you leave Port Carnelian for the first time!

After completing a library in Jericho Locks, you can lend out several of your books, depending on , none of which consumes the book in question. All of these grant 2–3 CP of and cycle Airs. Additionally:

Echoes per action[edit]

Whatever you create, it will basically give you a bit more than one Echo per action worth of the various E 0.01 items. This is assuming you pass the challenges at 100%. Investing favours or items increases but, well, you pay for it.

The optimal choice to get complete works the fastest while is below 148 is The Decency Evaluator, which will complete a minor work in 11 actions, cost , gain an average of , and gain an average of +7.7 CP, which works out to (17 - 5.5 + 6.6 * 0.50) / (11 + 0.25 * 7.7 + 2) = 0.99 EPA.

Once you have 148, The lead becomes the better option on works other than poems and novels. At 167, there is no chance of failure and you can rack up the needed Inspired with 11 actions, netting a whopping 17 / (11 + 2) = 1.31 EPA.

A much more profitable, albeit much slower method involves using the from Estival in combination with The pleasures of the Neath to generate large amounts of Hedonist, and then turn that into via Fertilise the tree with the twin powers of electricity and hedonism and Convince her to produce an elaborate forgery. The EPA of this is more difficult to calculate (a full breakdown can be found in this Google Spreadsheet) but ranges between 3.48 and 4.11 depending on many variables.

A Poet-Laureate[edit]

Composition: the high path gives 1.46 EPA for minor works, if you have a University Laboratory and a Struggling Artist for Honey-grinding—but this is a lower EPA than simply grinding Honey alone. However, it is useful for pursuing .

You will need to reach Poet-Laureate 20, requiring 145 minor works. (Major works cost almost twice as much Inspired CP, for only 50% more A Fine Piece.)

  • Basic version: Spend 8 actions per 5 minor works to grind 200 x  Honey per minor work, and 8 actions on Composition: the high path, to reach 17. At 11.6 actions total per minor work (including starting and cashing out), this is 1.4 actions quicker than using The lead.
  • More efficient: Sell E 8 of the E 17 earned from each work to buy the honey for the next at Merrigan's Exchange. This takes 10 actions per work (8 for Composition: the high path, plus 2 actions starting and cashing out). At this rate, it will take 1,450 actions to go from Poet-Laureate 0 to 20 (not counting any actions spent getting Honey for the first work). At 140 actions per day, this would take about 11 days. The reward profit is E 1,305 (0.9 EPA, not counting rare successes).
    • If you do all Carnelian ballets and have Academics 15, you will also earn . Importantly, this option can overcap the 260 Tribute limit. So if you fill up tribute before grinding for Poet-Laureate, you get 420 Tribute without needing to pay for any additional ship voyages. If you have The Minister of Culture, at 4 actions to earn the and the 1 action to sell it at the Rat Market, that adds 105 actions and E 1,785. That works out to 1.99 EPA.
  • Most Profitable, But Much Longer: The method described above takes about twice as long, between 5000-5500 actions in total, or 34 days, but represents a significant increase in profitability at between 3.48 and 4.10 EPA. Thus, it's significantly more profitable but also represents a significant opportunity cost. As well, it requires a seasonal item and so may not be available to all players.

Other benefits[edit]

Should you fancy a trip to the Tomb-Colonies, a saucy ballet is the way to go.

Once you max out your Poet-Laureate, you can make a statue of yourself in Ealing Gardens. The statue allows you to trade for and a little bonus. At a glance this seems very useful, but based on the analysis on the guide page, this may be inferior to calling them in in .

Composing a few dozen somewhat-challenging symphonies is the cheapest non-Fate-locked way to reliably grind to 10 through solo play. However, reading flame-proof missives from other players can get one to SotC 10 in as few as four actions, so the social action route is strongly recommended over symphonies.