Category:Zailing Speed
From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
This category contains all uses of Zailing Speed:
- Cards and storylets that unlock if you have it (or a specific level or range of it)
- Actions requiring it (or a specific level or range of it)
Pages in category "Zailing Speed"
The following 159 pages are in this category, out of 159 total.
- Chart a careful course
- Chart a course through the storm using your Storm in a Teacup
- Chart the sorrows in the amber
- Chart the sorrows in your memory
- Chart the sorrows lit by the Imposter Moon
- Chart the sorrows of London's Home Waters
- Chart the sorrows of Shepherd's Wash
- Chart the sorrows of the Pillared Sea
- Chart the sorrows of the Salt Steppe
- Chart the sorrows of the Sea of Voices
- Chart the sorrows of the Snares
- Chart the sorrows of the Stormbones
- Chart the sorrows reflected in the water
- Chart the sorrows with your Notched Bone Harpoon
- Consider what you learned from the Starved Men
- Coordinate with your sister-ship's Prophet
- Correct your course
- Hail a ship and inquire about their purpose
- Hail the ship and have a chat with the captain
- Hail the steamer to exchange news
- Hail the steamer to exchange news, and let your Boots translate
- Hail them with their own passphrases
- Hatch plans with two Shifty Scholars
- Have a look around under the iceberg
- Help them
- Lead your vessel on a merry dance through the fires
- Let the Unterzee have them
- Let them pass over the horizon
- Let your own star guide you
- Listen closely to the Voices
- Listen for news of your quarry
- Listen to the songs, and for your quarry
- Listen to the Voices
- Listen to the wind
- Listen to the Zee
- Load the cannons!
- Look into the glassy water
- Loot the wreckage
- Race away from these lunatics
- Ready the guns and fire at its soft spots
- Ready the guns!
- Recognise its shape
- Recognise your quarry
- Record it and move on
- Record their position
- Release your Uttermost Eel into the waters
- Rely on the Commodore's old codes
- Rendezvous with two Shifty Scholars
- Repel Boarders!
- Restart the party
- Revel in the delays
- Rob them blind
- Scavenge amidst the scrum of boats
- Seal the compartment and run the pumps
- Search the uncharted waters for your quarry
- See them off
- Send them down to the Fathomking's court
- Set a course around the thing
- Show them the might of your broadside
- Shut off every light aboard; full steam ahead!
- Signal the HMS Ramillies for support
- Signal your experience on the Samaritan
- Slow and steady does it
- Steam on by (A Ragtag Flotilla)
- Steam on by (Beast)
- Steam on by (Crossing Paths)
- Steam on by (Local Steamer)
- Steam on by (Spit of Land)
- Steam past them
- Steam the way the voices tell you
- Stop and exchange news (Piracy)
- Stop briefly at the island
- Subterfuge