F.F. Gebrandt's Prelapsarian Exhibition (historical)

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
Prelapsarian exhibition poster.jpg

F.F. Gebrandt CORDIALLY INVITES All Londoners to participate in the Raising of a New Museum of Prelapsarian History & accompanying Exhibition, to put on Display Curiosities Historical, Palaeontological, & Philosophical.

The Prelapsarian Exhibition was a one-off, experimental festival in Fallen London. Beginning on the 25th of July 1899 (2022), it had analogous mechanics to Mr Chimes' Grand Clearing-Out - the previous year's summer event - with players collaborating to raise various World Qualities. Five new items, as well as items from Elections and the Grand Clearing-Out, were available to purchase for Estival Tokens, which could be saved and spent in future summer events.


Overall Progress Graph[edit]

F.F. Gebrandt's Prelapsarian Exhibition - World Qualities Progress graph.png

Stage 1 Progress Graph[edit]

F.F. Gebrandt's Prelapsarian Exhibition - Toil and Materials graph.png

25 July[edit]

"who is ready to raise a musuem [sic]"

– Failbetter Games[1]

The new items introduced for the event were:

These could be purchased with Estival Tokens. Each player could obtain 30 free tokens at the beginning of the event, and more could be purchased for 1 FATE apiece. Unlike the Grand Clearing-Out, there was no option to turn in an unused A Free Gift for festival currency. Also unlike the Clearing-Out, it was confirmed in the announcement[2] that Estival Tokens would remain usable in future summer events. At 12:17 UTC, an option was added to spend FATE to send tokens to other players.

The museum could be reached by a universal storylet, The Exhibition: Visit the Museum of Prelapsarian History. As a universal storylet, this was available everywhere in London - including in the museum itself. This led to a number of jokes about revolving doors[3] and Zeno's paradox[4].

Initially, the work on the museum required Toil and Materials. Toil could be increased by 1-2 by various options in The Prelapsarian Exhibition: Building a Museum, and Materials by an amount scaling based off of how long the event had been going on by zailing to the Salt Lions, picking up A Hold Full of Sphinxstone and delivering it to the museum. Picking up a load of sphinxstone started a living story, preventing the player from returning for another load for 23 hours. As a result, most people only managed to deliver a single load before the Materials bar filled up.

These paid out in an amount of Curator's Gratitude scaling with the sum of the player's base stats, which could be cashed out once the museum was finished[5]. It took about 12 minutes[6] for people to realise that 1 Gratitude was going to be worth 1 penny, and as such the toil options were about 6 EPA. It was confirmed that there would be a unique item purchasable with gratitude[7].

26 July[edit]


"[banging hands on table ] TOIL TOIL TOIL TOIL"

– Bruno (FBG)[8]

At 11:16 UTC[9], it was discovered that the Sphinxstone turnin had a rare success with extra text, describing a room being constructed from the sphinxstone. Based on this, people soon guessed that the extra text depended on the level of Museum Construction: Materials, and two other variants were soon uncovered. As nobody had reported any rare successes the previous day, it seemed that the earlier variant or variants had been missed.

At 14:35 UTC, Materials reached 100% completion, with a final value of 1000260[10]. At 16:49 UTC, Toil reached 100% completion, with a final value of 1000007[11]. At 16:51 UTC, after some cajoling from wiki admin Asarta, Bruno revealed the missing variant text[12].

At 17:00 UTC, the second stage began. Three different kinds of exhibits could be contributed; Optical, which took various filled mirrorcatch boxes; Osteological, which took various antique bones and skeletons; and Archaeological, which took various Relics, Rusted Stirrups and Nicatorean Relics.

It was soon realised that turning in Cosmogone-filled Mirrorcatch Boxes filled five at a time at the top of the Dome of Scales, or Peligin-filled Mirrorcatch Boxes filled in the Magistracy of the Evenlode was extremely profitable, approaching around 15.3 and 22.83 EPA respectively with sufficiently large numbers of mirrorcatch boxes. Also profitable was trading an Oneiric Pearl for a Peligin box, which had the added advantage of providing an extra empty box with which to pursue the other strategies.

At 17:22 UTC, Bruno revealed that the unique item would only require 20,000 Gratitude to obtain[13], quelling speculation that it would cost a vast amount.

At 18:20 UTC, Failbetter's Twitter account released[14] a never-before-seen piece of Neathbow art (which may be seen at the top of this section) to celebrate the start of the second stage.

Throughtout the evening, in response to numerous complaints that the Osteological and Archaeological options were nowhere near as profitable as the Optical options - and indeed, were scarcely worthwhile compared to normal in-game activities - Bruno carried out a number of bugfixes and adjustments.

27 July[edit]

kids these days are "pinging" when they could be "donating relics"

– suriname0[20]

Early on in the day, work on producing graphs for this page uncovered unusual jumps in the progress of the Osteological and Archaeological tracks at each hour were noted. After checking that the scripts were working correctly, and by manually observing the values in-game, it was concluded that Failbetter were manipulating the progress numbers[21], and that about three quarters of the progress on the Archaeological and Osteological tracks were from this manipulation. When revealed, this led to a great deal of arguing in the FBG Discord, and a few feedback emails, as people assumed that FBG were trying to keep the event to some kind of schedule and felt that the collaborative nature of the event was being undermined.

At 8:13 UTC, Bruno explained that this was an intentional balancing mechanism - that progress on one track gave some bonus progress on the other two, and that if the players simply stopped contributing the bonus progress would also diminish to nothing[22]. At 8:30 UTC, he uptuned the rewards for Archaeology for non- Moulin players again[23], and at 8:35 UTC revealed that one of the cash-in options for Gratitude would be sellable for Hinterland Scrip[24]. The pre- Moulin boost made buying Relic of the Second City from the Bazaar and donating them into a profitable activity, reaching around 7.5 EPA for those with high base stats.

At 9:00 UTC, it was revealed that Gratitude would also be the reward quality for the museum wheel when the event was over, rather than just being a one-time thing[25].

At 10:05 UTC, Optics reached 100% completion, with a final value of 10000182. At 10:18, Bruno informed the Discord that he would lock the option for picking up Sphinxstone "the phase after the next one"[26], implying the existence of a heretofore-unknown fourth stage.

At 16:26 UTC, it once again become possible to sell skeletons to the museum even with 4 Bone Market Exhaustion, albeit with a linearly scaling bonus payout rather than the usual quadratic scaling[27]. Soon after, at 17:53 UTC[28], Osteology reached 100% completion, with a final value of 10000003.

At 20:50 UTC, Archaeology reached 100% completion, with a final value of 10000083. As a result, stage 3 began at 21:00 UTC. The Museum had its grand opening, with His Amused Lordship supplying the wine from his cancelled New Year's party. Participating in the Opening Revels allowed players to build up a new progress quality, Revelling..., which could be cashed in for a week-long Shadowy and Persuasive Mood, the Lingering Contentment, as well as a Nightmares wipe and an indication that the fourth stage would begin 23 hours after the third, at 20:00 UTC on the 28th, and would involve the Shuttered Palace.

With the museum complete, it became possible to cash in Curator's Gratitude, both for the event exclusive A Bronze Plaque Dedicated to Your Good Self and Sample of Lacreous Affection - the latter of which had only previously been available as a one-off reward at the end of the Grand Clearing-Out - as well as the normal payouts of the now-unlocked bone identification and artifact-donation activities in the museum, which remained available after the event. Most notable among the permanently available rewards was the F.F. Gebrandt's Patent Illuminating Cap, available for the first time since the Grand Clearing-Out, and the F.F. Gebrandt's Patent Neathoscope, Containing and Displaying All Seven Colours of Exotic Light.

Other opportunities became available, both in the museum itself - with players able to poison themselves or expose themselves to dangerous Neathbow colours - and in the Flit, where an option to carry out a heist of the museum appeared. This heist paid out in either various relics or bones, including Obsidian Chitin Tails, making this the first non-seasonal source of said tails.

28 July[edit]

"the best thing about this year's event is it obliterates all guesses about next year's event"

– Hannah[29]

At 10:16 UTC, a bug was fixed with the bone identification activity, making identifying Fossilised Forelimbs more profitable[30]. At 11:00 UTC, an option was added to empty filled mirrorcatch boxes, to make them more convenient to work with[31].

At 20:00 UTC, it became possible to encounter the Traitor Empress at the museum, where she was visiting the machine built of all the Sphinxstone in an attempt to bring back the Consort in full. An apparition of the Consort appeared in great distress, and in her attempts to soothe him the Empress forbade Gebrandt from deactivating the machine. As a result, the machine broke, having some nauseating effects on Time and Space and conjuring up Second City buildings across London, interspersed between existing buildings in gaps that had not existed until that moment. On investigating these buildings, players find eerie, oddly proportioned ushabtiu whose heads turn to follow them. Players could either leave the house undisturbed or steal some smaller relics in passing.

Outside the house, players could choose whether or not they wanted to purchase one of the ushatbiu, with game instructions informing them that the choice had to be made to move on to the next step of the story; that buying the ushabti would later give a unique item; and saying, rather ominously, buyer beware.

As of 21:07 UTC, 94% of players who had made the choice bought the ushabti[32].

On making the choice, players were informed that the next stage would begin at 10:00 UTC the next day.

29 July[edit]

"Easter Egg scavenger hunt but you're also hunted by the Easter eggs, and the eggs contain dead bodies of Second City residents."

– hops (aka Malachi Cinder)[33]

At 10:00 UTC, the ushabtiu became a problem. They rearranged possessions, attacked random people, became a Burden to anyone had bought them (only the second time the Burden slot had ever been used) and generally made a nuisance of themselves through various black-bordered cards. As a result, the players (along with a number of other Londoners) descended on the museum to demand an explanation from Gebrandt. Alas, Gebrandt also had no idea what was going on, and so the players had to go hunting for Clues. Instructions told players that there were 18 clues in total, and that in order to progress to the next stage they would have to go out, find the clues and bring them back to Gebrandt, contributing to the Progress in an Investigation World Quality.

Once one person had found a given clue, a cryptic hint would become visible, telling others where to find it; once a sufficiently large number of players had found and turned in a clue, the cryptic hint became a clear and straighforward description of where the Clue was. There were two exceptions to this; one hint remained "(This hint will never appear.)", and another "(This hint will never appear. It is uncertain if anyone will find this clue at all. If you did – good job!)" throughout the investigation.

Instructions also revealed that turning in three Clues would give a special reward, turning in ten clues would give a vanity quality, and that it would remain possible to gather and turn in clues until the end of the festival, which would be the 5th of August at the earliest.

A Google Doc[34] was created for people to list the various places they had tried, and where Clues had been located.

Also at the museum was the opportunity to gain a Lingering Excitation, another new week-long mood.

The clues, hints and people who first reported them were:

  • By purchasing an ushabti of your very own - Clue: Ushabti Malice, obtained (by those who purchased an ushabti) en route to the museum to confront Gebrandt.
  • (This hint will never appear.) - available in within the deeper areas of the Adulterine Castle. First reported by Docteur (aka The Viric Voice) at 10:10 UTC[50].

At 15:05 UTC, an option was added to The Mind of a Long-Dead God to allow those with the clue to leave more easily[52]. At 15:12 UTC, it was revealed that the Clue qualities themselves would be wiped in 'the last step in the story'[53], and that Investigating the Affair of the Ushabtiu couldn't go higher than ten[54], so there were no vanity-quality reasons to find more than 10 Clues. At 15:41, it was confirmed that there would be two more equippable items revealed over the course of the event[55]; later (at 16:23), Bruno realised he'd forgotten about one and corrected this number to three[56], including the rewards for turning in three Clues and buying an ushabti.

At 15:51, Bruno sent some of the earliest players to seek the Mind Clue some Darkdrop Coffee, as a 'reward for their bravery'[57]. At 16:06, it was explained that most of the Progress in an Investigation was being 'held back' until Monday, both to give players more time to find Clues and (presumably) to avoid having the developers working on the weekend[58].

30 July[edit]

"O hey y'all found the crocs"

- LukeFBG[59]

A new zee-beast hunt for the newly-emerged Second City feral crocodiles was discovered, unlocked by enough people turning in the Sophia's clue.

At 15:29 UTC, Clue: Ushabti Purpose became the final clue to have the 'straightforward' version of its hint become visible.

31 July[edit]

"Like I can imagine while the FL PCs are off killing themselves at Zee and staring into the Wax Wind, classes in the Department of Pseudoethics at Benthic are having a field day with impromptu class discussions over the nature of the ushabtiu and whether it’s ethical to hunt them or not"

- Hespiderean Cheesemonger[60]

Very little of note happened in-game, although the Discord played host to discussion of the ethics of hunting ushabtiu, and then a series of jokes about cooking and eating the contents of an ushabti.

1 August[edit]

the highest praise you can give my work is "this makes me scream and cry and throw up"

– Bruno[61]

At 00:01 UTC, Progress in an Investigation reached 50% completion. At 8:49, it was confirmed[62] that Clues could be obtained and turned in until you played the branches that progressed to the next stage of the story, which would be available from when Progress in an Investigation reached 100% until the end of the event.

At 10:01 UTC, 72 hours after the beginning of the stage, Progress in an Investigation received its first 'bump' of held-back progress, going from 53.4% to 62.5%. At 11:01, it jumped from 62.8% to 72.8%. At 14:00 UTC, the fifth bump pushed the progress to 100%, opening the next stage.

Players could progress to this stage by attending a demonstration from Gebrandt, where whe showed that a suitable perfume could lure nearby ushabtiu through a mirror and into Parabola, and then requested help manufacturing vast amounts of the perfume. Players could either assist her assistants or gather up to five shipments of the necessary ingredients. Instructions explained that helping the assistants or delivering a shipment would unlock a unique item later, and that making further deliveries would increase a vanity quality. There were five different ingredients that could be delivered:

The ingredients had warnings that they would disappear after a week and thus couldn't be hoarded.

Each ingredient delivery gave 500 Gratitude, and all but the first needed 5 in a relevant advanced skill (aka MAGCATSZD); as such, there were numerous complaints about the wildly differing costs and requirements of the ingredients, with the Grief costing a single action (and possibly some menaces) and the Firkin, Box and Quantum costing the equivalent of 62.5E .

Each ingredient delivery or assistant-helping increased the Perfumer's Progress World Quality; once this reached 1000000 and The Final Distillation reached 24 (i.e. 24 hours after the stage opened, 13:00 UTC the next day), the next stage would be unlocked. Perfumer's Progress reached 100% completion at 16:19 UTC.

2 August[edit]

"I would usually post a gif of some sort here, demonstrating the frequency and intensity of the vibration I am currently exhibiting, but those are FORBIDDEN, so I would request instead for you all to instead IMAGINE such an image."

– Neonir (Lord Gregory)[63]

At 13:00 UTC, The Final Distillation reached 24 and the next stage was unlocked; by this time, Perfumer's Progress had reached 393.5% of the target value.

Gebrandt switched on her perfume machine, and the ushabtiu entered Parabola. Afterwards, the player could walk through the rainfall triggered by the perfume clouds and consider how they felt about what had taken place, receiving a Vestige of a Starlit Reverie - the first time this item had been available since the Clearing-Out.

Afterwards, the three remaining event-exclusive items became available; two ( An Initiate into the Perfumer's Arts, a Kataleptic Toxicology Affiliation and the reward for helping with the perfume; and Your Name in F.F. Gebrandt's Address Book, a A Player of Chess Affiliation and the reward for turning in at least three clues) available from Gebrandt in the museum, and the third ( A Stalking Stone Shadow Beyond the Glass, a Mithridacy affiliation and the reward for buying an ushabti) in Parabola, at the conclusion of a newly available hunt.

5 August[edit]

At 13:00 UTC, the event came to a close an hour earlier than expected, unlocking the epilogue card An Unexpected Gift. By this point, Progress in an Investigation reached 9681928, 968.1% of its target value; and Perfumer's Progress reached 6274200, 627.4% of its target.

At 13:31, the event was reopened due to its early closing, with a new end time of 15:00 UTC. When the event re-ended, Progress in an Investigation had reached 9862594 (986.3%) and Perfumer's Progress had reached 6285200 (628.5%).


  1. The FBG Twitter account
  2. FBG Blog Post
  3. Discord "so when i'm at the museum, i have a "travel to the museum" storylet that just takes me... to the museum? am i missing something there?" - haelene, 7:21 UTC
  4. Discord "you take a short stroll. you are halfway to the museum. you take a short stroll, you are halfway to the museum" - IGN=necromancybitch, 11:28 UTC
  5. Discord "You won't be able to spend it until the museum is built" - Bruno (FBG), 11:08 UTC
  7. Discord "But, there is a unique item you can only get with gratitude" - Bruno (FBG), 11:14 UTC
  8. Discord 15:20 UTC
  9. Discord A screenshot of a rare success for the Sphinxstone turnin - StarvedKing IGN Vrashnig-spazrak, 11:16 UTC
  10. Discord "it's done" - Alan (ebzfan), 14:35 UTC
  11. Discord "Huh, I got the same number" followed by a screenshot of the Toil world quality at the value 1000007
  12. Discord
  13. Discord "Since this seems to cause an undesirable level of anxiety for some players: You need 20k gratitude (so the equivalent of 200e) to get a unique reward; I've changed the quality's metatext to reflect this. Note that you'll still be able to generate gratitude for it until the event ends, so you won't miss out if you miss a day or phase of the event." - Bruno (FBG), 17:22 UTC
  14. FBG Twitter Account
  15. Discord "(It looks like the formula for Leviathan Frame rewards was incorrectly giving 4-6 echo fewer than intended - should be fixed)" - Bruno (FBG), 17:35
  16. Discord "I've uptuned relic deliveries so that they are substantially better (like 80% better or so)... as long as you are not a PoSI" - Bruno (FBG), 18:13 UTC
  17. Discord "I've further adjusted archaeology donations – it should now give you a (smaller) bonus if you are a PoSI but you don't have a railway to Moulin." - Bruno (FBG), 18:43
  18. Discord "I have adjusted full skeleton gifting so it now does take into account antiquity" - Bruno (FBG), 20:01 UTC
  19. Discord "And yes it now does give exhaustion" - Bruno (FBBG), 20:03
  20. Discord suriname0, 16:32 UTC
  21. Discord "Yup, its getting manipulated" - Asarta, 7:02 UTC
  22. Discord "Yeah - although this is actually not true. If the community sat back the rubberbanding would eventually fall to zero because of how it's set up." - Bruno (FBG), 8:13 UTC
  23. Discord "I have adjusted the numbers on archaeology again; there's now a higher ceiling on the stat scaling and a higher base for players who don't have access to Moulin. This should be enough to make it a reasonable thing for midgame players who fell in that 'hole' in game progression." - Bruno (FBG), 8:30 UTC
  24. Discord "Well, to an item that is sellable for scrip." - Bruno (FBG), 8:35 UTC
  25. Discord "Gratitude is a permanent feature (it's the reward quality for the wheel that will unlock when the museum is completed), so it's similar to the rewards from Brawling et al in that it's aimed at early-railway players looking to kickstart, well, the railway. So it gives stuff that's relevant there." - Bruno (FBG), 9:00 UTC
  26. Discord "ah you know what, the phase after the next one" - Bruno (FBG), 10:18 UTC
  27. Discord "I've made a tweak to osteology donations: If you have bone market exhaustion, you can still donate, but the reward you get will only scale linearly with antiquity (though it gives you a little bonus relative to a normal linear bone market sale)" - Bruno (FBG), 16:26 UTC
  28. Discord "Bye bye osteology" - Darkroot [IGN], 17:53 UTC
  29. Discord HannahFBG, 20:14 UTC
  30. Discord "Hey - an issue has been fixed with the osteology lab where examining the Fossilized Forelimb wasn't giving any bonus value. It should now give 2500 more curator's gratitude when completed." - Bruno (FBG), 10:16 UTC
  31. Discord "Also: Mirrorcatch boxes filled with neathbow light now have an 'item use' storylet. It just lets you empty them with no other effects. But should help those who need to reclaim excess boxes." - Bruno (FBG), 11:00 UTC
  32. Discord "As of just now, 94% of players who have gone through the choice to buy or not buy an ushabti have done so." - Bruno (FBG), 21:07 UTC
  33. Discord hops (aka Malachi Cinder), 11:58 UTC
  34. Google Docs
  35. Discord "Found one in parabola war... drank a lot of coffee to get through it fast" - ProfessorLizzard, 11:07 UTC
  36. Discord A screenshot of the option Meet with the Swan Bride to discuss the present crisis - mouseyMoment, 10:15 UTC
  37. Discord "Sophia's card." followed by a screenshot of the option Hear reports of curious crocodilians - Finn', 10:19 UTC
  38. Discord "AAAAA AN EVENING AT THE DUCHESS' SALON" - Carol J. (IGN: Ragged Martha), 10:06 UTC
  39. Discord "Found this in the Waswood." followed by a screenshot of the result for Find the Mother Superior - The Fierce Greybeard, 10:09 UTC
  40. Discord "Remnants card" A screenshot of the Remnants card, including the option 'Inquiries about Limestone' - 🃏Mr. Cards🃏 (aka Sans Cipher), 12:32 UTC
  41. Discord "Found one in the Khanate!" - Amy Griswold, 11:23 UTC
  42. Discord "POLYTHREME HO!" followed by a screenshot of the option Ask for advice on the matter of the ushabtiu - AnturK, 11:04 UTC
  43. Discord "Have people already found the Moulin one?" - rjb, 12:32 UTC
  44. Discord A screenshot of the The Sideshows storylet, including the option A new exhibit... - mouseyMoment, 10:07 UTC
  46. Discord "Good job whoever found the dream card" - St.Jericho [Jericho Veranis], 11:11 UTC
  47. Discord "there's opne in dept of menace eradication" - beo [unclevinny], 10:10 UTC
  48. Discord "there's a clue at Abbey Rock (again, only available with Bag a Legend)" - Yeet, 10:39 UTC
  49. Discord "YOU CAN STUDY THE USHABTI" - Carol J. (aka Ragged Martha), 10:16 UTC
  50. Discord "Hahah, what a great one." followed by a screenshot of the storylet The Anchorhold including the option Meditate upon London's ongoing predicament - Docteur (aka The Viric Voice), 10:10 UTC
  51. Discord "Please, please, please, give me 2 mins" followed a few minutes later by a screenshot of the result of I will look for limestone men
  52. Discord "PS: I've made it *a little bit* easier to get out of the Mind if you have collected the clue." - Bruno (FBG), 15:05 UTC
  53. Discord "Clue qualities will also be gone with the last step in the story." - Bruno (FBG), 15:12 UTC
  54. Discord "And yeah, you can only raise Investigating the Affair of the Ushabtiu up to 10. FOMO mitigation." - Bruno (FBG), 15:11 UTC
  55. Discord "Equippable items from this event:
    • Patron of the Pliable Arts / Rack of Carefully Individuated Deaths / Floral Hairpin / Hungry Little Snuffbox / The Forbidden Bathtub (Will return in next year's summer event for Estival tokens)
    • Neathbow box (Evergreen from here on out)
    • Bronze Plaque with Your Name On it (Exclusive to this event)
    • Something you haven't seen yet (Exclusive to this event)
    • Something you haven't seen yet (Exclusive to this event)
    • Something you haven't seen yet (Exclusive to this event)" - Bruno (FBG), 15:41 UTC (later edited)
  56. Discord "PS I forgot: there's actually three 'somethings' you haven't seen yet. I've updated the pinned post to reflect that. (One of them is the promised reward for having bought an ushabti)" - Bruno (FBG), 16:23 UTC
  57. Discord "(Also: I've sent the handful of players who got the Mind of a Long-Dead God clue some darkdrop coffee.. so they can recoup some of their actions once they make it out. This is a one-off reward for their bravery, if you're going to go for it now you do so at your own risk.)" - Bruno (FBG), 15:51 UTC
  58. Discord "ftr: Most of the Investigation Progress is held back until the weekend is over, so it'll start going up quickly (in hourly ticks) on Monday." - Bruno (FBG), 16:06 UTC
  59. Discord LukeFBG, 8:17 UTC
  60. Discord Hespiderean Cheesemonger, 20:28 UTC
  61. Bruno on Twitter 00:16 UTC
  62. Discord "Once the next stage unlocks, you'll be able to turn in clues until you play the branches that progress the story (or until the event closes). It should be pretty obviously meta-texted" - LukeFBG, 8:49 UTC
  63. Discord 10:54 UTC