Involve the Clay Highwayman's gang in industrial steel robbery (Non-Marauder)

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Bessemer Steel Ingot (Guide)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: Cover Identities (Guide)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: The Tale of the Clay Highwayman (Guide)

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From: The Next Stretch of Track

You need railway steel in quantity. Conceal yourself as a member of the gang and steal it from the Moloch Line.

Game Instructions: This requires a Cover Identity with ties to the Dispossessed. It will slightly increase Banditry in the Upper River, but provide a substantial amount of Railway Steel.

Unlocked with Cover Identity: Ties exactly 3, 4 x Cover Identity: Credentials, 4 x Cover Identity: Nuance, 4 x Cover Identity: Witnesses, 10 x Cover Identity: Elaboration, 10 x Cover Identity: Backstory, On the Trail of the Clay Highwayman 3, Cabinet Noir

Locked with A Marauder of the Clay Highwayman


Name and date of birth?

[…] the Highwayman's great beast rears up and brings its foot down on the engine of the Moloch train. It looks like a piece of crumpled tin. […]

The Highwayman rides off immediately afterward, with his takings from the train. The rest is left to you. […]

Description summary:
You create a false identity for yourself--Scottish, naturally, and more than a bit criminally inclined--and propose a plan to the Highwayman's gang to rob the Moloch Line as it carries steel from the factories of Hell. You succeed, and after the Highwayman rides off you are able to turn the stolen track into something the Great Hellbound Railway can use.

[Find the rest of the story at]