Take a moment to tend your wounds

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
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From: Intervene in a Dockers' Brawl

(see table below)

Description summary:
The description varies based on the severity of your Wounds

0There's nothing to heal. You're in perfect condition.
1 - 3They sting a bit.
4 - 6It wouldn't do to slip on your own blood.
7The pain is growing more intense.
8+You're close to death. Only the excitement of the brawl is keeping you alive at all.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]

Game Instructions: This will always decrease your wounds, but success will decrease them more.

Unlocked with Taking Sides at a Brawl, Wounds

Challenge information

Broad, Dangerous 100

  • 69 - very chancy (41%)
  • 85 - chancy (51%)
  • 102 - modest (61%)
  • 119 - very modest (71%)
  • 135 - low-risk (81%)
  • 152 - straightforward (91%)
  • 167 - straightforward (100%)

With Taking Sides at a Brawl 10, the challenge difficulty increases by 50 points.



(see table below)

Description summary:
The description varies based on your level of Identified with a Tradition:

Identified with a Tradition:Description
The School of Hard KnocksYou perform a quick, one-handed application of a tourniquet. It is not your first time.
The Forms of the Tomb-ColoniesYour training as a fighter included a very extensive introduction to bandages. The field patch-up you perform on yourself is not only effective, it is aesthetically pleasing. Your teachers would expect nothing less.
The Adventuress' Correspondence CourseThe Adventuress' Correspondence teaches three different convenient methods to staunch the bleeding. Only two of them require a paste of Elder Continent mud.
Your Own Fighting StyleYour methods of self-healing are as diverse and unusual as your methods of fighting. A moment's work puts you in a better condition.

[Find the rest of the story at https://www.fallenlondon.com]


A little clumsy

This bandage will need changing when you get back to [lodgings], but it will do for now.
noneyour home
An Abandoned Family Cryptyour family crypt
A Spare Bedroomyour spare bedroom
Lair in the Marshesyour marsh lair
Cottage by the Observatoryyour cottage
Rooms above a Bookshopyour rooms above the bookshop
Rooms above a Gambling Denyour gambling den
Handsome Townhouseyour townhouse
Rooftop Shackyour shack
Decommissioned Steameryour steamer
A Smoky Flophouseyour flophouse
The Deep Cellars of Old Newgatethe Old Newgate cellars
A Zee-Znail's Zhellthe zee-znail's shell
A Dripstone-Snared Third City Sub-Templethe third city sub-temple
A guest room at the Brass Embassythe Brass Embassy
A Room at the Royal Bethlehem Hotelthe Royal Beth
Premises at the Bazaarthe Bazaar
A Sanctum at the Brass Embassyyour sanctum at the Brass Embassy
A Suite at the Royal Bethlehemyour suite at the Royal Beth
A Spire-Emporium of the Bazaarthe spires of the Bazaar