User talk:Speicus

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)

Bone Market Calculator[edit]

Please leave feedback and bug reports about the Bone Market Calculator here.

I've attempted to build on your work, and posted my updated client to my talk page. Please take a look and share your thoughts, when you have the chance. Selerik (talk) 22:17, 29 April 2022 (UTC)

Different result when selling with a zoological bonus[edit]

Pretty cool calculator. It helped me understand the d___d bone market.
I made a bird using a mammoth rib, a horned skull, two albatross wings, two helical thighbones, and one plaster tail.
I sold it to the sailor when the birds were in fashion (today) and I got 1218 nodules (instead of 1219) and 14 knobs instead of 21.
I checked the box with the birds for the bonus. Amalgamy is, I believe, the week bonus, but even without it and with any of the rest, the numbers are still off.
There is of course a very very good chance I haven't clicked something I should. Really good job nevertheless putting all these things together. FallenCopenhagen (talk) 21:15, 13 January 2022 (UTC)

Hello! and thank you :)

I have checked your setup, and

— In regards to the number of Knobs of Scintillac the calculator should be working properly. I made the same skeleton and got 21 knobs. You may have failed Shapeling Arts challenges when you were adding Helical Thighbones — in that case you'd only get 1 point of amalgamy per leg instead of 2, and the result would be exactly 14 knobs. You can adjust the calculation for such failures by adding a negative modifier (in this case, -2) to the cell F:74.

— Looks like there's a problem with rounding: the game rounds 1218.5 down, and Google Spreadsheets round it up. I'm not sure what to do with this. I can't use ROUNDDOWN instead of ROUND here, because the game would still round 1218.6 to 2019. I could add a custom rounding function, but a shared table with custom functions will require explicit permissions from the users to work, and that would probably scare people away. Honestly, I'm inclined to add this to "known issues" and leave it as it is. Speicus (talk) 22:22, 13 January 2022 (UTC)
Ah yes, I failed shapeling. Now I remember. So, the points are the maximum you can get and that's why you have the space for the negative modifiers. Cool.
Yes, i thought it was rounding. I believe the Google spreadsheets rounding is the correct one. I never understood if rounding down at FL was on purpose or just bad at math.
Tbh, I use the calculator to identify the potential buyer and get only a rough estimate of the value of the skeleton and the payment. FallenCopenhagen (talk) 12:00, 21 January 2022 (UTC)
This implements "Banker's Rounding". Replace "Cell" with the value you want to round. SansCipher (talk) 17:45, 7 May 2022 (UTC)

Different result for a skeleton[edit]

Hi, I got a slightly different result for selling a chimera skeleton to the Bohemian Sculptress. Human Ribcage, Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory, Human Arm x2, Unidentified Thigh Bone x2, no relevant modifiers. The formula predicted 12 blooms, I received 13. I think it probably uses ROUND instead of the ROUNDDOWN in the Excel formula. 16:37, 17 December 2021 (UTC)

Hello, and thank you! Indeed, there was a problem with rounding of the primary rewards, not just for the Bohemian Sculptress, but for several other buyers as well. Everything is fixed now. Speicus (talk) 22:08, 17 December 2021 (UTC)

No torso style restrictions on skeleton type.[edit]

It seems like the restrictions on what type you can declare a skeleton based on the type of torso, generally the humanoid/ape/monkey vs everything else split. See skeleton type table and torso styles table. For example, human ribcage + 1 horned skull + 2 albatross wings + 2 relic thighs does not a bird make. 11:39, 19 December 2021 (UTC)

Thank you! Fixed. Speicus (talk) 16:01, 19 December 2021 (UTC)

Suggestion: Estimated echo payout[edit]

It would be nice for a neophyte like me to have an estimate for the payout in echoes for the different buyers, possibly itemized by the individual reward items, and as a sum of everything a buyer gives. Perhaps a conditional highlight of the most profitable buyer if we want to get really fancy? 07:36, 31 March 2022 (UTC)

The Ingenuous Malacologist[edit]

Am I the only one who's sold anything to the Malacologist since you made this guide? Probably.

  • The Malacologist gives Collated Research as a secondary reward, not Vital Intelligence. Maybe a copy-paste error.
  • The Malacologist's primary reward (Preserved Surface Blooms) is actually affected by the . The wiki didn't show that, but I just fixed it.
  • The Preserved Surface Blooms should be rounded.

Between those last two, the Bloom cell shows "56,2" Blooms when it's actually 62. It should show exactly 3 Blooms less than the Bohemian Sculptress, since she adds 4 to the number of Blooms and the Malacologist adds 1.

Unrelated: The Vake head from Bag a Legend only gives 3 menace once per skeleton. After that it gives less menace for each new duplicate you add, eventually adding Implausibility as well. This might be worth a note, in case someone sees "3" on your calculator and plans an extremely menacing Vake-bird. Cimanyd (talk) 01:27, 10 June 2022 (UTC)

Skeleton type formatting[edit]

The formatting of the skeleton type boxes/marks at B83:C93 isn't right, with most of the automatic indicators invisible, and the Chimera and Fish boxes green for no apparent reason. Maybe the whole lot should be conditional formatted as green when true?
There have also been new bones introduced: Obsidian Chitin Tail, and Segmented Ribcage which can be used multiple times in a skeleton. Moo (talk) 11:58, 21 July 2022 (UTC)