Make your way to The Hurlers

From Fallen London Wiki (Staging)
A player-created Guide is available for this content: A Church in the Wild (Guide)

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Spoiler warning!
This page contains details about Fallen London Actions.

From: All aboard!, Boarding Again (Ealing Gardens), Returning Home, A Return Journey, Returning East – or Further West, Boarding Again (Station VIII), Boarding Again (Burrow-Infra-Mump) or Boarding Again (Moulin)

What will you find out there this time?

Unlocked with  120

Challenge information

Property "Against" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.[[Category: Challenge|0400]]<ul><li>Empty strings are not accepted.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Against" (as page type) with input value "" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>Broad, 400

  • 274 - very chancy (41%)
  • 340 - chancy (51%)
  • 407 - modest (61%)
  • 474 - very modest (71%)
  • 540 - low-risk (81%)
  • 607 - straightforward (91%)
  • 667 - straightforward (100%)

Difficulty is (( - ) x 50)
and additional difficulty, as below



Description summary:
Description varies with .

0The journey is a stop-start one, giving the impression that you're on a new-fangled exercise device […] When you enquire of the driver […] he blames slippery tracks due to fungus. […] Why they can't factor it into their railway planning is beyond you.
1The journey is a stop-start one, giving the impression that you're on a […] participatory attraction at Mrs Plenty's carnival. The motion induces nausea. The bandit who boarded the train […] suffered far worse – a sudden jolt launched him into a door […]
2The driver has the engine rattling and shaking at top speed down the track. The signals must all be in your favour. The alternative is that the driver progressed oblivious to them […] keen not to waste a moment's drinking at his local.
3The driver has the engine rattling and shaking at top speed down the track. The signals must all be in your favour. The alternative is that the driver ignored them entirely. He drives like a man who has seen what terrors await if the train slows, […]
4Terror-Birds on the line! […] After London went through a fad for hatching incomprehensible beasts, there was rise in abandoned pets […] The rejected birds […] roam the suburbs of London in aggressively curious packs. […] these […] shriek indignation at the engine […]
5Terror-Birds on the line! […] The rejected birds are far from defenceless […] These took curious bites from the train's trim, but did no significant damage to either its workings, or the passengers inside. The birds must have been in a whimsical mood.
6The train lurches from one threat to the next: Terror-Birds! Badly lain rails! Bandits lurking at every corner! […] The conductor fends off the bandits with a spear […] The driver puts on a well-timed burst of speed as soon as the engine exits the bend. […]
7 - 8The train lurches from one threat to the next: Terror-Birds! Badly lain rails! Bandits lurking at every corner! […] a figure looms in the darkness. It is twice the height of the train, and possessing far too many arms. There is a sound of swarming bees […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

If leaving :



Description summary:
Description varies with .

0 - 1This stretch of track is supposed to be perfectly safe: attacks are fewer than they used to be, and the criminals less bold. But that doesn't protect against the passengers themselves. One decides to indulge in a bit of recreational robbery. […]
2The land outside the train offers only twilight, and no particular threat. It's the honey-mazed woman […] next to you that proves difficult, thrashing and screaming about panthers and the dome. You compel her to be still, but she scratches your face.
3The land outside the train offers only twilight, and no particular threat. One of your fellow passengers, on the other hand, is transporting a Python-Headed hound. "Bred it myself," he tells you, just before it exhibits its fangs.
4At one point, the engine slows to a crawl. Something thumps repeatedly against the outside of your carriage. The window cracks. A scaled arm reaches through the open portal. You are quick enough to cut it off; not quick enough to avoid being wounded.
5[…] the engine slows to a crawl. Something thumps repeatedly against the outside of your carriage. The window cracks, then explodes inward. Several leather-clad attackers come through – two human, one Clay. You and the conductor manage to fight them off […]
6The western Neath has a reputation for being empty. You do not find it so today. Dozens of would-be train robbers […] pelt the side of the train. The engineer is new to his job […] He stops, and in a moment the ruffians are aboard […]
7 - 8The train comes to a stop not half an hour out of Moloch station. On the track ahead is a cloaked man riding a huge, tusked creature […] It stamps, terribly, on the roof of the carriage, crumpling the metal and driving a piece of metal into your side. […]

[Find the rest of the story at]

If leaving :