Whitsun (Guide)

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Ladybonessmall.png Early MYN Content and Onwards
Eggs have abruptly appeared all over London – in bath tubs, balanced on chimneys, nestled in sofas, tucked in the holds of docked ships. And they're vast ones, the size of a beer barrel, an over-rounded dog, a prize-winning marrow.[1]

Whitsun is an Easter-like event in which Londoners can buy, change and hatch eggs.

Event Timeline[edit]

For the 5th Whitsun (4th 1899/2024) the timeline is as follows:

  • Event opens on Thursday, 9th of May 2024 at 12:00 BST. Everything becomes available.
  • No more eggs after Monday, 20th of May 2024, 14:00 BST (11 days). The Reliable Eggmonger is removed and no more base eggs can be obtained. All other actions remain available, including augmenting, hatching, research, and De Gustibus.
  • Event closes the following Thursday, 23rd of May 2024, 14:00 BST. All remaining eggs expire, including augmented eggs that have not yet hatched.

Event Currency: Amber Ha'pennies[edit]

The Amber Ha'penny is a "soft-FATE" Festival Currency for Whitsun. Use of FATE for Whitsun are mediated by purchasing and spending ha'pennies. All players receive 3 Ha'pennies for free, meaning that no Whitsun content is exclusive to paying players, although non-paying players may need to be more patient, or selective with the rewards they pick.

Each additional Amber Ha'penny beyond the 3 free ones costs 10 FATE, with a 33% bulk discount when purchasing 18. Note that Ha'pennies persist from year to year. This allows non-paying players to save up for The Device, but is also a consideration for paying players considering paying larger amounts.

The uses of Amber Ha'pennies are as follows, ordered roughly in decreasing mechanical value.

How to Hatch Eggs[edit]

The main activity of Whitsun! The process can be broken down into four steps.

1. Obtain your egg[edit]

Eggs can be purchased at The Reliable Eggmonger. Every year, some eggs will be in-season, while other eggs will be out-of-season. In-season eggs cost regular items. Out-of-season eggs cost 1 Ha'penny each in addition to their item cost.

This year's egg availability
Egg Storylet Cost Costs Ha'Penny
Scarlet Egg Buy a scarlet egg 20 x Bottle of Greyfields 1882
Aged Egg Buy an aged egg 100 x Jade Fragment
Percipient Egg Buy a percipient egg 40 x Shard of Glim
Pelagic Egg Buy a pelagic egg 40 x Rostygold

Please note: You can buy as many eggs as you want, but you can only rear one egg at a time.

2. Raise your egg[edit]

In order to raise your egg, you will have to either enlighten it three times or invigorate it three times, via the Bring Up your Egg storylet. (You cannot enlighten and invigorate an egg; you must do one or the other.) Fully invigorating an egg costs 9 Appalling Secrets, while fully enlightening an egg costs 15 Foxfire Candle Stubs and 6 Intriguing Snippets, regardless of type.

The "species" of item that hatches from your egg is determined by the type of egg you pick and how you raise it. For example, invigorating a Percipient Egg will cause it to hatch into a squirrel, while enlightening it will cause it to hatch into a wolf. Different "species" are associated with different stats.

Raising your egg should not be confused with augmenting it.

Please note: You can smash open your egg at any point before it is fully raised. Doing so will remove the egg, allowing you to raise a different one. It will also give you an item, and it will also refund you a Ha'penny if it was an out-of-season egg. Once it is fully raised (i.e. enlightened or invigorated three times), you cannot smash it open. You are locked into hatching it unless you can sell it at De Gustibus, but they will only accept up to two fully raised eggs per season.

An Aside: Social Eggs[edit]

Eggs can also be sent to other players in Bring Up your Egg after being fully Invigorated or Enlightened, at the cost of 1 x Amber Ha'penny. The egg will hatch immediately for the receiver, and will grant them a unique companion, different from the ones obtained through the solo hatching process.

3. Augment your egg[edit]

After you have fully raised your egg, you can choose to apply augments to it. There are two kinds of augments: creature-producing augments, and equipment-producing augments. These kinds of augments are mutually exclusive: applying an equipment-producing augment will override any creature-producing augments on the egg.

It is possible to hatch an egg without applying augments to it, but augments are required for the more valuable items. If you would like to hatch your egg without augments, you can skip to step 4.

Creature-producing augments[edit]

Creature-producing augments will cause your egg to hatch into a companion. They can be applied by taking your egg to two specific locations in London and by using the Highly Illegal Experimental Augmentation Device (Probably) through the Bring Up your Egg storylet. Location-specific augments cost regular items. The Illegal Augmentation Device costs 5 Ha'pennies, but can be used on as many eggs as you want.

A different "tier" of companion will hatch depending on whether you've applied 0, 1, 2, or 3 creature-producing augments. For example, if you augment an enlightened Scarlet Egg two times, it will hatch into a Warm-hearted Amber Iguana. If you augment an enlightened Scarlet Egg three times, it will hatch into a Rubbery Dragon. More augments result in more powerful companions, with triple-augmented eggs hatching into companions that give a bonus in an advanced skill.

The order in which you apply these augments does not matter; only the number of augments does. However, each augment has to be from a different source. For example, if you want to augment an egg three times, you must take it to both augmentation locations and use the Illegal Augmentation Machine on it once. You cannot simply augment the egg at one location three times. (This means that the most valuable companions require having the Illegal Augmentation Machine.)

Warning! This article/section sets colors manually, instead of using the appropriate CSS classes. As a result, the colors may be hard on the eyes, particularly in dark mode.

Locations of all creature-producing augments
Egg Type (Genus) Locations Storylet Cost
Aged, Invigorated (Terror Birds)

Pelagic, Invigorated (Salted Eels)

The Labyrinth of Tigers Arrange for a Theological Augmentation 2 x Extraordinary Implication
(E 5)
Dept. of Menace Eradication Acquire a Grotesque Augmentation 6 x Correspondence Plaque
(E 3)
Aged, Enlightened (Aurochs)

Pelagic, Enlightened (Squid)

Mahogany Hall Gain a Mirror-Shine Augmentation 2 x Mourning Candle
(E 5)
The Flit An Augmentation Applied on the Sly 6 x Compromising Document
(E 3)
Scarlet, Invigorated (Lyrebirds)

Percipient, Invigorated (Squirrels)

Veilgarden Apply an Ornate Augmentation 2 x Journal of Infamy
(E 1)
The Shuttered Palace An Augmentation Rejecting Convention 2 x Tale of Terror!!
(E 1)
Scarlet, Enlightened (Iguanas)

Percipient, Enlightened (Spindlewolves)

Wolfstack Docks Arrange for a Contorting Augmentation 2 x Extraordinary Implication
(E 5)
Mrs Plenty's Carnival Acquire an Augmentation in the Very Latest of Fashions 2 x Vision of the Surface
(E 1)
Enlightened or Invigorated Eggs (Any) Universal Cup the top of the Enlightened egg with the Experimental Device Requires Highly Illegal Experimental Augmentation Device (Probably), does not consume it.

Equipment-producing augments[edit]

Equipment-producing augments will cause your egg to hatch into something other than a companion, like a weapon or a hat. Unlike creature-producing augments, you can only apply one equipment-producing augment to an egg.

There are currently two types of equipment-producing augments. Both cost 3 Ha'pennies to apply every time.

List of equipment-producing augments
Augment Location (Storylet) Cost Results
Sartorial Augmentation Ladybones Road (A Tailor's Augmentation) 2 x Bottle of Muscaria Brandy and 3 Mostly clothing; one weapon.
Bellic Augmentation Watchmaker's Hill (An Augmentation in the Art of War) 2 x Bottle of Broken Giant 1844 and 3 Mostly weapons; one luggage.

4. Hatch your egg[edit]

After you have augmented your egg (or not), you can hatch it.

Eggs treated with equipment-producing augments hatch instantly.

Unaugmented eggs and eggs treated with creature-producing augments require 23 hours to hatch. Incubation is started through the Bring Up your Egg storylet. You can spend one Ha'penny or 10 Fate to bypass the hatching time, but this is generally not seen as a good use of Ha'pennies.

After incubation completes, a message will appear in your inbox saying that your egg is ready to be hatched. A new storylet will appear in your Lodgings called The Hatchening, redirecting you to The Hatching: What Emerges. There, you can admire the wondrous occasion that is a birth (and hopefully keep the d__n place intact).

Please note: while an egg is incubating, you cannot raise another one. You must wait for your current egg to hatch first.

Egg Results[edit]

Best-in-slot stats (amongst freely available and seasonal items) are in bold and shared BiS are in italics. A more in depth overview of the options can be found in this subguide.

Summary of Augmentation Outcomes[edit]

Egg Augmentations
0 1 2 3 Sartorial Bellic

Non-Augmented Eggs[edit]

Egg Type Result Stats Ancillary Use
Aged, Invigorated Young Terror Bird Dangerous +3
Get bones in Ealing Gardens
(Gain Wing of a Young Terror Bird)
Aged, Enlightened Aurochs Shadowy +3
Get bones in Ealing Gardens
(Gain Horned Skull)
Scarlet, Invigorated Untrained Lyrebird Persuasive +3
Progress on a Heist
Scarlet, Enlightened Suspicious Iguana Watchful +3
Investigate in the Flit
Percipient, Invigorated Quizzical Squirrel Shadowy +3
Use Attar in Arbor
(Gain Emetic Revelation)
Percipient, Enlightened Spindlewolf Watchful +3
Gain Talk of the Town and Rumour items at a party
Pelagic, Invigorated Unerring Elver Dangerous +3
Gain Seeking... in The Flit and research for ichthyological-focused project
Pelagic, Enlightened Prismatic Squidling Persuasive +3
Nature in the Neath in The Empress' Court and Study your Prismatic Squidling when studying fish

Once-Augmented Eggs[edit]

Egg Type Result Stats Ancillary Uses
Aged, Invigorated Full-Grown Terror Bird Shadowy +3
Dangerous +5
Aged, Enlightened Carnivorous Aurochs Shadowy +5
Dangerous +3
Get Memories of Discordance in Parabola
Scarlet, Invigorated Operatic Lyrebird Persuasive +5
Watchful +3
Scarlet, Enlightened Amber Iguana Watchful +5
Persuasive +3
Research for one non-repeatable project (yields +1CP below level 5)
Percipient, Invigorated Acute Squirrel Watchful +3
Shadowy +5
Research option on Monstrous projects
Percipient, Enlightened Elongated Spindlewolf Watchful +5
Shadowy +3
Get Salacious Copy for your Newspaper
Pelagic, Invigorated Abyssal Sawtooth Dangerous +5
Persuasive +3
Option while diving in the Magistracy
Pelagic, Enlightened Canny Cuttlefish Dangerous +3
Persuasive +5
Build a Cover Identity in Balmoral (250 x Cryptic Clue instead of 1 x Favours: The Great Game, w/ a free Backstory point)

Twice-Augmented Eggs[edit]

Egg Type Result Stats Ancillary Uses
Aged, Invigorated Iron-Toothed Terror Bird Shadowy +5
Dangerous +7
Dreaded +1
Get Thorned Ribcages in Parabola
Aged, Enlightened Dream-dwelling Carnivorous Aurochs Shadowy +7
Dangerous +5
Dreaded +1
Parabolan Defenses to 3 (repeatable up to once with particular ambition) (Potentially saves you 450 to 900E)

The Church in Burrow-Infra-Mump (non-repeatable)

Scarlet, Invigorated Lyrebird Educated in Three Schools Persuasive +7
Watchful +5
Respectable +1
Get Making Waves at your Salon
Scarlet, Enlightened Warm-hearted Amber Iguana Watchful +7
Persuasive +5
Bizarre +1
Neathproofed +1
Get Scheme at your Orphanage

Research for one non-repeatable project

Percipient, Invigorated Acicular Squirrel Shadowy +7
Watchful +5
Bizarre +1
Get Scouting and Kataleptic Toxicology when searching Parabola for a place in the Neath
Percipient, Enlightened Surveilling Spindlewolf Watchful +7
Shadowy +5
Respectable +1
Build a Cover Identity in Balmoral (250 x Cryptic Clue instead of 1 x Favours: Society, w/ a free Backstory point)
Pelagic, Invigorated Immaculate Eel Dangerous +7
Persuasive +5
Dreaded +1
Option in The Nadir
Pelagic, Enlightened Violantly Mercantile Cuttlefish Dangerous +5
Persuasive +7
Respectable +1
Progress for your Advertising Campaign

Thrice-Augmented Eggs[edit]

Egg Type Result Stats Ancillary Uses
Aged, Invigorated Double-Headed Terror Bird Shadowy +5
Dangerous +7
Dreaded +3
Monstrous Anatomy +1
Aged, Enlightened Reflected Minotaur Shadowy +7
Dangerous +5
Dreaded +1
Bizarre +1
Glasswork +1
Scarlet, Invigorated Unquenchable Firebird Persuasive +7
Watchful +5
Respectable +3
Mithridacy +1
Neathproofed +1
Watchtower in Ealing Gardens (non-repeatable)
Scarlet, Enlightened Rubbery Dragon Watchful +7
Persuasive +5
Bizarre +3
Shapeling Arts +1
Research for one non-repeatable experiment
Percipient, Invigorated Transfixing Squirrel Watchful +5
Shadowy +7
Dreaded +1
Bizarre +2
Kataleptic Toxicology +1
Expedition option in Moulin
Percipient, Enlightened Brachiating Spindlewolf Watchful +7
Shadowy +5
Respectable +2
Bizarre +1
Artisan of the Red Science +1
Get an Implication in the Nadir
Pelagic, Invigorated Uttermost Eel Dangerous +7
Persuasive +5
Respectable +1
Dreaded +1
Bizarre +1
Zeefaring +1
Option in A Distant Gleam, raises eastern wind
Pelagic, Enlightened Inculcating Kraken Dangerous +5
Persuasive +7
Respectable +1
Dreaded +1
Bizarre +1
A Player of Chess +1
Option in Spire-Emporium

Sartorial Augmentations[edit]

Egg Result Stats Ancillary Uses
Aged, Invigorated Birdskin Gloves Dangerous +3
Respectable +1
Monstrous Anatomy +1
Neathproofed +1
Aged, Enlightened Aurochs-Fur Coat Shadowy +6
Respectable +4
Bizarre -2
Glasswork +1
Reduces Nightmares build up.?
Neathproofed +2
Scarlet, Invigorated Tuneful Hat Persuasive +6
Respectable +4
Dreaded -2
Mithridacy +1
Alternative for joining the Clay Tailor Club
Scarlet, Enlightened Iguana-Skin Boots Watchful +5
Dreaded +1
Bizarre +1
Shapeling Arts +1
Neathproofed +1
Percipient, Invigorated Honed Ushanka Shadowy +6
Respectable -2
Bizarre +4
Kataleptic Toxicology +1
Neathproofed +1
Perform venomous headbutt at the Dockside brawl
Percipient, Enlightened Vigilant Chitin-Fur Boots Watchful +5
Respectable +1
Bizarre +1
Artisan of the Red Science +1
Execute a mind bending kick at the Dockside brawl
Pelagic, Invigorated Moray Heels Dangerous +5
Respectable +1
Dreaded +1
Zeefaring +1
Spear your enemy's feet at the Dockside brawl
Pelagic, Enlightened Mesmeric Parasol Persuasive +5
Respectable +2
Dreaded -1
Bizarre +1
A Player of Chess +1
An additional option during Khaganian Intrigue at False-Dawn

Bellic Augmentations[edit]

Egg Result Stats Ancillary Uses
Aged, Invigorated Iron-Lung Bagpipes Dangerous +8
Respectable -1
Bizarre +3
Monstrous Anatomy +1
Unlocks a musical option during pilgrimages in Godfall
Aged, Enlightened Skein of Silvered Catgut Shadowy +8
Respectable +2
Bizarre -1
Glasswork +1
Inerrant +1
Unlocks a Chthonosophy challenge when hunting Parabolan Quarries
Scarlet, Invigorated Coolflame Quill Watchful +8
Respectable +1
Dreaded +1
Mithridacy +1
Unlocks a option while writing monographs
Scarlet, Enlightened Resinous Pyrophone Watchful +8
Respectable +1
Dreaded -1
Bizarre +2
Shapeling Arts +1
Unlocks a musical option in the South Parlour of Helicon House
Percipient, Invigorated Telsonic Signet Shadowy +8
Respectable +1
Dreaded +1
Kataleptic Toxicology +1
May be used during Toxicological Lab Projects
Percipient, Enlightened Russet Brachiator Watchful +8
Respectable -1
Dreaded +2
Artisan of the Red Science +1
Neathproofed +1
Unlocks a Piracy option while zailing The Sea of Voices
Pelagic, Invigorated Flexile Sabre Dangerous +8
Dreaded +1
Bizarre +1
Zeefaring +1
Unlocks a Piracy option while zailing The Sea of Voices
Pelagic, Enlightened Cephalopod Satchel (Luggage) Bizarre +1
A Player of Chess +1
Insubstantial +1
Unlocks an option on a card in the City of the Tracklayers

Social Eggs[edit]

Egg Result Stats Ancillary Uses
Aged, Invigorated Copper-Speckled Crustacean Dangerous +3
Research for one non-repeatable project
Aged, Enlightened Dilly Shadowy +3
Scarlet, Invigorated Mycological Bullfrog Persuasive +3
Research for one non-repeatable project
Scarlet, Enlightened Voracious Lamp-Eye Watchful +3
Research for one non-repeatable project
Percipient, Invigorated Elegiac Cockatoo Watchful +3
Bring it along for tea (social action)
Percipient, Enlightened Imminent Falcon Shadowy +3
Bring it along for tea (social action)
Pelagic, Invigorated Burbling Wolfhound Dangerous +3
Pelagic, Enlightened Exuberant Batling Persuasive +3

Other Things to do with Eggs[edit]

Sinning Jenny's Finishing School (FATE)[edit]


At Sinning Jenny's Finishing School, it's possible to lead your students in study by using untreated eggs. While most options will give you items, it is possible to obtain a Dark-Carapaced Crustacean and even a Gilded Crustacean by considering Aged Eggs from a Red Science perspective. Each egg will advance your syllabus by one step (so you can only open five eggs per group of students) and increase Credit with the Headmistress by 1. This action does consume the egg (so buy spares if you want to do more than one egg per term), but any Ha'pennies spent on eggs will be refunded.

Egg Challenge Success Rare Success
Aged Egg, Untreated Artisan of the Red Science 5 Dark-Carapaced Crustacean Gilded Crustacean
Aged Egg, Untreated Watchful 150 3 x Unidentified Thigh Bone
Percipient Egg, Untreated Monstrous Anatomy 5 1 x Jet Black Stinger
Scarlet Egg, Untreated Monstrous Anatomy 5 1 x Ambiguous Eolith
Pelagic Egg, Untreated Monstrous Anatomy 5 1 x Withered Tentacle

Investigating Eggs[edit]


Untreated Eggs can also be investigated in your Laboratory. For 100 x Laboratory Research, each egg will give +5 CP Speculation about Whitsun and increase The Prestige of your Laboratory, as well as +1 CP in a Skill and an item worth E 12.5. Each egg research project also has a Focus, allowing you to use one of the Esoteric Arts.

Wiki note: Lab experiments will not refund ha'pennies, so be careful!

Egg Research Storylets Project Properties Result
Aged Egg Red Science Focus
Scarlet Egg Shapeling Focus
Percipient Egg Toxicological Focus
Pelagic Egg Monstrous Focus

Selling Eggs[edit]


Eggs can be sold to buyers in the Bone Market.

Eggs can also be sold to De Gustibus at Ladybones Road. See the De Gustibus section for more details.

Breaking Open Eggs[edit]

Eye brownsmall.png

It is also possible to break open your eggs on the Bring Up your Egg page and—for untreated eggs—The Trials of Patience. Eggs can be broken open at any point before they are fully enlightened or invigorated, yielding a wide range of rewards. Every break open action is a 40% luck check and has two possible results for each success and failure. Two rare items (bolded) can be obtained in this way.

If you break open or smash open an egg that costs an Amber Ha'penny, breaking open that egg recovers you the penny, both in the success and the failure case.

Egg Success Alt Success Failure Alt Failure
Aged Egg, Untreated (Break open) 1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone
1 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
1 x Human Arm 1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone 1 x Headless Skeleton
Percipient Egg, Untreated (Break open) 1 x Touching Love Story
4 x Appalling Secret
1 x Extraordinary Implication
3 x Tale of Terror!!
5 x Venom-Ruby 3 x Comp. Document
Scarlet Egg, Untreated (Break open) 1 x Aeolian Scream
3 x Memory of Distant Shores
1 x Extraordinary Implication
3 x Romantic Notion
3 x Comp. Document 1 x Corr. Plaque
Pelagic Egg, Untreated (Break open) 1 x Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory 1 x Memory of a Much Lesser Self
2 x Withered Tentacle
3 x Correspondence Plaque 5 x Flask of Abominable Salts
Partially Invigorated Aged Egg (Smash open) 1 x Carved Ball of Stygian Ivory
1 x Ambiguous Eolith
1 x A Monstrous Orb 1 x Headless Skeleton 1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone
Partially Invigorated Percipient Egg (Smash open) 5 x Memory of Distant Shores
1 x Ostentatious Diamond
1 x Memory of a Much Lesser Self
15 x Phosphorescent Scarab
1 x Flawed Diamond 3 x Whisper-Satin Scrap
Partially Invigorated Scarlet Egg (Smash open) 1 x Tailfeather Brilliant as Flame
15 x Romantic Notion
1 x Royal-Blue Feather
5 x Memory of Light
3 x Comp. Document 1 x Corr. Plaque
Partially Invigorated Pelagic Egg (Smash open) 1-3 x Segmented Ribcage 2 x Deep-zee Catch
1 x Live Specimen
3 x Palimpsest Scrap 2 x Memory of Distant Shores
Partially Enlightened Aged Egg (Smash open) 1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone
1 x Femur of a Jurassic Beast
1 x Human Arm 1 x Unidentified Thigh Bone 1 x Headless Skeleton
Partially Enlightened Percipient Egg (Smash open) 1 x Obsidian Chitin Tail 1 x Tomb-Lion's Tail 2 x Venge-Rat Corpse 3 x Jet Black Stinger
Partially Enlightened Scarlet Egg (Smash open) 1 x Aeolian Scream
3 x Memory of Distant Shores
1 x Extraordinary Implication
5 x Romantic Notion
3 x Comp. Document 1 x Corr. Plaque
Partially Enlightened Pelagic Egg (Smash open) 1 x Knob of Scintillack 284-347 x Bone Fragments 3 x Scrap of Incendiary Gossip
2 x Bat Wing
2 x Ambiguous Eolith

Non-Egg Activities[edit]

De Gustibus[edit]


De Gustibus opens its doors to London each Whitsun and may be found at Ladybones Road. In addition to various non-Egg options, it is possible to sell them Eggs in almost any state (Eggs with Sartorial Augmentation or Bellic Augmentation are not considered edible) for various rewards. This is the only time of year that a Vial of Masters' Blood can be exchanged for A Sealed Copy of the Crimson Book. Selling an augmented egg of any kind to De Gustibus will increase De Gustibus: Eggxhaustion, so you can only sell a maximum of two augmented eggs to them per season. Additionally if your Noman survives this long, you can get the achievement Memories of a Doubled Spring. Also of note is that you can turn your Hellworm Milk into cheese, given a year's time.

Standard Trades[edit]

Item Cost Storylet Reward Notes
Nodule of Violet Amber Violet Amber
Venge-Rat Corpse Sewer-game
Tiny Cave Fish The utmost delicacy
A Recipe for Zzoup A strictly vegetarian dizzh
Vial of Masters' Blood ...would they dare?
The only way to obtain the Crimson Book.
150 x Jade Fragment Provide powdered jade
Tiny Silver Kettle of Pickled Liar's Tongues Suggest a Kettle of Pickled Liars' Tongues Net profit of E 15.00 - requires a Rare Sucess
N/A Hunt knot-oracle spawn in Bugsby's Marshes
St Cerise's Candle A rare candle SMEN, 7 Actions
Forty-Nine-Voiced Warbler Offer your Forty-Nine-Voiced Warbler The only way to gain Caused a Scene at the Apicius Club
Scarlet Egg, Untreated Offer an Untreated Scarlet Egg
Aged Egg, Untreated Offer an Untreated Aged Egg
Percipient Egg, Untreated Offer an Untreated Percipient Egg
Pelagic Egg, Untreated Offer an Untreated Pelagic Egg
Hellworm Milk Offer a pail of Hellworm Milk Can give up to 2 a year. Retrieve it in 1 year's time.
A Promise from the Questionable Cheesemonger Retrieve your cheese from the Questionable Cheesemonger 1 for each promise.
Ripened Wheel of Hellworm Cheese Serve the Apicius Club a wheel of Hellworm cheese Can only be done once.
Noman Offer to share the final moments of your Noman Memories of a Doubled Spring See Noman Tattoo (Guide) for details.

Treated Eggs[edit]

Only two treated eggs may be sold each Whitsun. They may not be Hatching, have a Sartorial Augmentation, nor a Bellic Augmentation. Multiple augmentations do not change the payout from selling to them.

Item Cost Storylet Reward Alt Reward
Fully Invigorated Scarlet Egg Offer an Invigorated Scarlet Egg
Fully Enlightened Scarlet Egg Offer an Enlightened Scarlet Egg N/A
Fully Invigorated Aged Egg Offer an Invigorated Aged Egg
Fully Enlightened Aged Egg Offer an Enlightened Aged Egg
Fully Invigorated Percipient Egg Offer an Invigorated Percipient Egg
Fully Enlightened Percipient Egg Offer an Enlightened Percipient Egg
Fully Invigorated Pelagic Egg Offer an Invigorated Pelagic Egg
Fully Enlightened Pelagic Egg Offer an Enlightened Pelagic Egg

Speculation about Whitsun[edit]


Speculation about Whitsun can be obtained while doing various actions in London. It is mostly useless, however at level 10, it can be used to publish a Whitsun Edition of your newspaper if you own one.

The Summer Nursery (FATE)[edit]

The Summer Nursery is a repeatable activity that was introduced in 2024. Any character who has hatched at least one egg may unlock the activity for 20 FATE through the storylet The Summer Nursery: An Invitation. Access to the Nursery may only be purchased during Whitsun, but it may be played year-round. It rewards Emetic Revelations, Venom-Rubies, and Moon-Pearls, with a one-time reward of an Elemental Secret for completing the carousel five times.

Historical Information[edit]

Previous years' timelines
3rd 1899/2023 For the 4th Whitsun (3rd 1899/2023) the timeline is as follows:
  • Event opens on Thursday, 11th of May 2023 at 12:00 BST. Everything becomes available.
  • No more eggs after Monday, 22nd of May 2023, 14:00 BST (11 days). The Reliable Eggmonger is removed and no more base eggs can be obtained. All other actions remain available, including augmenting, hatching, research, and De Gustibus.
  • Event closes the following Thursday, 25th of May 2023, 14:00 BST. All remaining eggs expire, including augmented eggs that have not yet hatched.
2nd 1899/2022 For the third Whitsun (2nd 1899/2022), the announced timeline is as follows:
  • Event opens on Monday, 9th of May 2022 at 12:00 BST. Everything becomes available.
  • No more eggs after Friday the following week (11 days, 20th of May 14:00 BST). The Reliable Eggmonger is removed and no more base eggs can be obtained. All other actions remain available, including augmenting, hatching, research, and De Gustibus.
  • Event closes the following Monday (14 days, 23rd of May 14:00 BST). All remaining eggs expire, including augmented eggs that have not yet hatched.
1899/2021 For the second Whitsun (1899/2021), the original announced timeline was as follows:
  • Event opens on a Monday. Everything becomes available.
  • No more eggs after Friday the following week (11 days). The Reliable Eggmonger is removed and no more base eggs can be obtained. All other actions remain available, including augmenting, hatching, research, and De Gustibus.
  • Event closes the following Monday (14 days). All remaining eggs expire, including augmented eggs that have not yet hatched.

Following server troubles during the first week, the event was extended by three days. Future iterations of Whitsun will likely follow the original timeline, barring other exceptional circumstances.

Historical egg availability
Year Scarlet Egg Aged Egg Percipient Egg Pelagic Egg
2020 didn't exist didn't exist
2021 didn't exist
